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*Time skip to the summer before Year Four (aka the second year for Serina at Hogwarts)*


"Oh, pulling out the full name. You know how to get me, 'Rina." Theo kept running, waving my wand in the air to antagonize me.

"DON'T call me that!" I insisted, pumping my arms to try to gain speed. My idiotic best friend was running around my house with my wand that he stole out of my back pocket.

"I'm your best friend- I can do what I want!"

"You're also a piece of shit!"

"What are you two doing up there?" My mom yelled from downstairs.

"Nothing, Ms. Venna!" Theo said innocently, though he didn't slow. Though he was fast, I had years of skateboarding that made my legs stronger. I took a couple longer leaps before tackling Theo before he could run downstairs.

"I'll take that!" I said, plucking my wand from his hand. I sat in the middle of his back and grabbed his arm, twisting it behind him.

"Oww! Why are you so much stronger than me?" He whined.

"The muggle world is tough."

"Muggles do this to each other all the time?" He asked, incredulous.

"No, it was a joke T."

"Can you get off me now?"

"Swear to never steal my things again."

"Sorry, I can't."

I twisted his arm with a little more vigor.

"OK, OK, I swear to never steal your things again! Just get off me woman!"

I smirked in satisfaction and stood up.

"C'mon, hurry and finish packing so we can floo back to my house."

"You're the one distracting ME."

"True, but that's my job."

I rolled my eyes and walked back into my room.

"You know, you still haven't told me who we're sitting with," I said, putting my wand back into my bag.

"You'll find out when we get there." Theo was taking me with his dad to the Quidditch world cup, since my mum couldn't go, being muggle and whatnot. He also refused to tell me who got him tickets, therefore who we would be sitting next to. Theo's father wouldn't be coming to the actual match with us, because he wasn't a big Quidditch fan.

"OK, I'm ready," I told him, zipping up my bag.

"Let's go!" He cheered, grabbing it from me and running out of my room. I just stood facing the door with an eyebrow raised. "I was trying to be a gentleman!" Theo exclaimed as he walked back in my room, realizing he had just done what he had promised not to do.

"I forgive you," I said with a laugh. "Now let's actually go."

We walked downstairs and said goodbye to my mum. Then we each grabbed a handful of Floo powder (Theo's dad had contacts at the ministry who agreed to connect my house to the floo network) and stepped into the flames.

The first time I had used Floo powder, I had tumbled out of the hearth into Theo's father's office. Now I gracefully walked out of the fireplace without incident. Theo had left before me, so he was there waiting. As soon as I was out we went and put my bag in one of the many guest rooms, then went straight to the kitchen.

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