Lake Talks

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"How far up are we sitting?" I asked, grabbing onto the staircase's railing, breathing a little deeper than normal.

"The top, c'mon," Theo grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

"We're in the top box with the most important people," Draco informed me. I glanced up at him, since he was about ten stairs above me.

"Hope they aren't all snobs like you," I muttered under my breath at Theo.

"Play nice," he said back. "These are the best seats we could have gotten."

"Not if I have to sit with him."

"Just shut up and climb."

After what seemed like ten minutes of trekking up the stairs, we made it to our seats. As we walked into the top box, I saw that Potter, Weasley, and Granger were there with Weasley's family. They saw me and I nodded a greeting. I didn't hate the trio, like some Slytherins, but I wasn't friends with them either.

"Lucius!" The minister of magic, Cornelius Fudge, exclaimed, greeting Malfoy's father. There was a tense moment between Mr. Malfoy and a man I assumed to be Mr. Weasley, and then we shuffled to our seats. As I walked by, I made eye contact with Mr. Weasley and his entire facial expression changed to one of pure shock.

"Merlins' beard!" I heard him mutter under his breath as he turned back to his family before I could say anything. It wasn't silent in the top box, but we were close enough that I could hear him ask Potter, Weasley, and Granger if they knew me.

"That's Serina Venna," Potter informed him. "Why?"

"She reminds me of... someone when they were younger," Mr. Weasley said.


"Never mind, the match is starting."

I turned my attention away from them and to the Quidditch Pitch, but my mind was racing. Could this man I had never met know something about my parents? Or was it just a coincidence?

I enjoyed the match, but I couldn't stop those questions from nagging me the entire time. As we were leaving, I saw Mr. Weasley give me one more inquisitive glance and I decided I would try my hardest to ask him what his surprise was about. I knew that as soon as we left the stadium me and Theo would be leaving, so I had to think fast.

"I think I left something back at my seat, wait for me here," I told Theo once we were a couple flights of stairs away from the top box. We had left before the Weasley's so I was fairly certain I would find Mr. Weasley if I went back up.

"Okay, hurry up so we can get back to my house soon."

"It'll just take a second, don't worry." I turned around and jogged back up to the top box. Luckily, Mr. Weasley was still there, talking to an important-looking ministry wizard.

"Excuse me, sir?" I said, approaching him. "Can I have a word?"

"Umm, alright. Give me a second," he said to the man he had been conversing with. We walked towards the edge of the box.

"I'm sorry, this might seem a bit forward, but I couldn't help but overhear you telling your son that I looked like someone you knew? It's just that I don't know my birth parents and if this is more than a coincidence..."

"I understand, Serina, right?"

I nodded.

"And yes, you do remind me of someone when he was younger. If you don't mind me asking, did you have Professor Lupin for Defense Against the Dark Arts last year?"

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