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Naruto's pov:

I'm so exhausted right now, I can't even think right. I get up and go to the shower. I'm so glad we're gonna get our dorms today, I just hope I have someone I know. I wrap a towel around my hip and get a white shirt and black sweats out of my suitcase.
"All ready." I look around checking if I missed anything. Nope.
I grab my suitcase and lock my apartment.


I go up the elevators to find my dorm, 804..805....806! I enter the dorm and find that it's empty. Looks like I'm the first one, I go to the biggest room and settle in. I call my best friend kiba, "so it's final? Café it is." I get up grabbing my keys. "I'll meet you outside your dorm." I lock the door and luckily I don't have to walk around much since me and kiba are literally basically neighbours.

As I'm about to turn around I bump into my rival. "Watch where your going, Naruto." He says annoyingly. I roll my eyes, "shut the hell up." Suddenly I notice his dorm card, "move." He pushes me out of the way to go in the dorm. "Looks like we're roommates.." I mumble.

"Hah! You and Sasuke? Roomies!?" Kiba laughs as he walks towards me. "Tch.." Sasuke clicked his tongue. "Whatever, I couldn't care less. Let's go kiba." I start walking away with him.


"So, who's your roomie?" I ask kiba as he drank his iced tea. "You won't believe it.." he rolls his eyes. "It's Itachi." He looked annoyed. "What? Sasuke's brother?" He nodded. "No way, his brother is so intimidating yet so sexy!" I whined, "yeah for real. He fucks any bitch in sight." Kiba says. "I'd let him fuck on me any day not gonna lie." I joked, "Haha! I can't even blame you for that, he's got the looks." Kiba gives a nod of approval.

We pay for our drinks and get up. "We'll gonna be seeing each other everyday huh, especially since we literally live in front of each other." Kiba says. To be honest, I'm excited that we're neighbours but that just means that the uchiha brothers are gonna be in and out of our dorms. "Yeah, it'll be fun. We can play video games and have parties." As we reach our dorms. I look at him and see him glancing over at Itachi.

I wonder what he's thinking, he looks so unbothered. "Well, see ya later Kiba!" I wave at him, he smiles and waves back.

I walk in and see Sasuke eating chips on the couch. I pay no attention to him and quietly walk to my room but he sees me. "Where did you go?" He asked. Why is he asking me that. "Why?" I ask looking confused. "We're roommates, unfortunately. You'll have to tell me where you're going for safety reasons." He demanded to know where I went with kiba.

"I don't know why you're so eager to know.. but I went to the café to grab drinks. I say rolling my eyes.

I walk into my bedroom and wash my face in the bathroom, as it's getting late I clean myself up and go make dinner. "Sasuke?" I knock on his door. No response. I knock again. No response. I open the door a little and see him so close to the door. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I say as I get scared. "Fucking standing there jump scaring people!" I move back as he comes out of his room.

"What could you possibly want from me at 10pm?" He crosses his arms. " I don't know what kind of evil activities you are doing in there but you need to stop." I say walking to the kitchen. Sasuke follows me, taking a seat on the couch just observing what I was doing. "What are you doing?" He asked but I completely ignored his question.

"Sasuke?" I turn to look at him on the couch but he's right behind me leaning on the counter. "hm?" He hums at me. I grew a little startled, realizing how close he was standing to me, I backed a little. "Are you hungry.?" I asked, he nodded. I turn back around and serve the food on the plate. "Here. Hurry up and eat." I give him the plate.

"What about you?" He asks looking confused. "I'm gonna wash the dishes, I'll eat later." I tell him, I was surprised to hear what came out of his mouth next .. "I can wash the dishes."
"You can wash the ones you ate in." I tell him going back to the sink. "Are you sure you don't want help?" He asked one last time. "Yeah, I'm fine." I reassured him.

I finish the dishes and see him still sitting there looking at me. "Are you done eating?" I ask, he just glares at me. "I wanted to wait for you." He finally responds, I was taken aback. "It's just common decency, stop glaring at me." He motions for me to sit beside him, which i did.

We ate the dinner silently. I was actually surprised by his behaviour, I didn't think he would have manners at all. "I'm going to wash the dishes now." He takes my plate with him. "I can clean them, you don't have to." I say getting up. "No, I want to."
I sigh, "fine at least let me help you dry them." He looks at me but doesn't respond. "I'll be in my room if you need me." I say to him as we headed to our rooms.

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