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Naruto's pov:

Sasuke seemed kind of mad earlier, but why? Is he jealous of his brother or something? And why is Itachi after me, like out of everyone else, why did he have to choose me as his next victim. I really hope those Izumi rumors were false, I really don't wanna involve myself in this mess.

Itachi had took a liking towards Izumi, it all seemed like a normal crush of his at first but then, Izumi ended up falling for his wicked charm. Day by day, she seemed overwhelmed and tired, some people even said that she had bruises all over her face and body. Suddenly, one day there was her body found at the rooftop of the school. That was the spot where she was supposed to meet Itachi. I heard there was Itachi's ring found near her body.

I really don't want to end up like her, and I don't want to involve myself with Itachi. I sighed and put my shoes on, walking past Sasuke as I made my way out of the dorm. He looked at me curiously but went back to reading his book. I shut the door and walked slowly towards Itachi's dorm. As I reached the door, I felt shivers down my spine.

I knocked after a moment of reflection, thankfully Kiba was the one to open the door. He smiled and greeted me, "Naruto! Come on in!" He exclaimed excitedly. He hugged me, I sighed and hugged him back. "I'm kind of in a rush.. could you call Itachi for me, please?" I say, politely declining his offer. He nodded and went to call Itachi out.

A few moments later I saw Itachi coming out, he had this grin on his face. "Ah.. Naruto. What brings you here?" He said as he leaned towards the doorway. "Well, I came here to inform you that I'm still feeling under the weather from yesterday.. so could we possibly reschedule the date?" I asked smiling innocently, "is that so? I was looking forward to it." He sighed in disappointment.

"I guess we could reschedule it then, what day shall we meet for it?" He asked making direct eye contact, "I have to attend my lessons tomorrow, and the day after I'm busy with the upcoming game. How about on Friday?" I say, thinking deeply. He smiled and patted my head, I felt a little uneasy but didn't show that. I have to avoid him now matter what.

"Of course, I'll see you Friday then."

I waved him, as I went back to my dorm. I closed the door behind me and sighed loudly. I got weird looks from Sasuke but I ignored him and went back to my room. I opened my books and started practicing, I hope this year is easy.


I worked on some equations for quite some time as I got a little tired, I checked the time, shit.. it's 10:30 already? I yawned and got up, making my way to the kitchen for a quick snack. All the lights were turned off, looks like Sasuke went to bed already, eh. I make myself some cereal and sit down on the dining table to eat it in peace.

Suddenly, Sasuke walks out of his room as well. He turns the light on, and gets a little startled seeing me, sitting in the dark. "Turn the lights on next time." He says brushing it off. I nodded, "yeah, just got lazy." I mumble eating it slowly and quietly.

Sasuke poured some milk in a glass and sat down in front of me. He looked like he wanted to ask something but was resisting. "What is it? Just spit it out.." I looked at him in a funny way. "Did you go?" He asked softly, avoiding eye contact. What is he talking about?- Oh! The date.

"I chickened out and got scared of what you said earlier." I said slowly eating my cereal, he nodded. "I told him we could postpone it til Friday." I sighed, he mumbled, "okay."

We quietly sat in silence and minded our own business. He took a few glances at me and I did the same to him. What is he thinking?

Sasuke's pov:

I don't know why but, I feel glad he turned Itachi down. Why do I feel this way? And when Itachi asked him on a date in front of me.. I felt weird. Why? I glanced at him, wondering why I feel this way. He's my rival but.. shit. Why do I feel so warm in his presence? It's hard to admit but it's comforting.

"Sasuke, why do you keep staring at me?" He asked confusedly, I felt my face get hot. "I-I wasn't staring at you." I mumbled out, he grinned. "Sure." He says, making me roll my eyes. I got up and Naruto stopped me. "Sasuke?" He asked, looking up at me. "What?" I say curiously, "why do you get so mad whenever I talk to Itachi?"

I stayed silent, thinking to myself. He's right.. why do I get mad? "I know you're like overprotective of him and all but like you said.. he's the dangerous one, not me. Or are you jealous cause you like me?" He says smirking all of a sudden. I chuckle, making him a little shocked. "You are quite delusional." I say as I put my glass in the sink.

"Well.. whatever." He clicked his tongue. As I walked into my room, I started to wonder if what he said was actually true. "Why do I feel protective whenever him and Itachi come in contact..? Maybe I'm just looking out for him ..it's human decency, right?" I whispered to myself.

Next day;

I showered and got ready as I had to attend a few lessons, my day was going to be pretty busy. I walked to the kitchen and saw the breakfast was already made. There was a note next to the meal.

"I had to an early lesson and I made some breakfast for you, hopefully it's not too cold by the time you wake up!!. ^v^"


'This dobe..'
I heated up the meal and dug in, it wasn't as bad as I thought. He's not a bad cook, I'll give him that. But he isn't so good either.


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