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It was close to 7pm. I had gotten home after an exhausting day, 3 lessons, 2 hours long each. I had been in the library, catching up and researching on notes. I walked in, seeing my one and only brother in the kitchen.

"Itachi, what are you doing here?" I asked, he turned around and smiled annoyingly. Where was Naruto? And why would he let Itachi in? Especially, after I told him strictly to stay away.

"Oh, you're back." He turned back around, looking like he was cooking. "I came here to talk to you but Naruto told me you were out." I was confused.

"Where is he?" I asked, "and you couldn't have called me to tell me?" I was getting annoyed.

"Can I not visit my little brother?" He said in a teasing tone, I rolled my eyes. "Get to the point, Itachi."

He sighed and turned around, "I just wanted to visit you, that's all." He smiled, he was messing with me again.

"Naruto is asleep, he was tired. I figured since you were busy, I could help with dinner." He was useful sometimes, but he tested me, every single time.

"Go freshen up, and get Naruto out here as well." He spoke as he went back to cooking something. I sighed of relief and went into my room to shower.

"Naruto, wake up." I shook him, he kept turning away to avoid me. I was getting fed up, "Naruto." I grabbed his wrist, trying to pull him up.

"Let me sleep!" He groaned and yanked his wrist away, making me fall on him and hit my head with his. His face was inches away from mine, he quickly realized and lifted up. "S-Shit, sorry!" He mumbled.

He helped me up, as I rubbed my head. "Ouch." I murmured, he looked guilty. He quickly apologized, looking away as he got flustered. "Dinner, I came to wake you for dinner." I say.

"I'll be out in a sec, sorry again!" He rushed to the bathroom, making himself look presentable.

We sat down as Itachi served us food, "There are leftovers, you two can eat them in the morning." He took a seat, as we started eating.

Itachi scanned both of us, "Are you feeling well, Naruto?" He asked, looking at him up and down. "Yeah I'm good, why do you ask?" They talked casually.

"Do I look sick?" Naruto asked, shifting himself. Itachi chuckled, "You look good, as always." He smirked. Naruto looked at me awkwardly, I was too exhausted to deal with this.

"Thank you.. I guess!" He smiled awkwardly, as I got up and put my dishes away. I walked to my room.

"Goodnight, Sasuke." Itachi spoke as I left. "You too." I sighed and laid down, falling asleep as soon as I hit my bed.

Naruto's pov:

Sasuke's mood was off today, maybe he had a rough day and I can tell that Itachi's presence definitely annoyed him. But, why should I care? We're rivals!

Me and Itachi made small talk throughout the dinner. I thanked him for the dinner as he took his leave, I cleaned up around the dorm before sitting down to study and revise the notes,

It was around 2am, when I started hearing some noises. I was spooked, I mean it was coming from the corner. I didn't know whether to be brave enough and do the discovery.

Maybe I shouldn't have watched all those horror movies the other day. It got louder and louder. Should I wake Sasuke up? ..No, he'll think I'm weak.


Fuck it, I ran to Sasuke's room. "Sasuke! There's something scary going on!" I knocked the door before opening it. He was sleeping soundly. I woke him up and brought him to the corner.

"I don't hear anything, dobe." He looked irritated, and sleepy. "Listen closely!" I shush him as we try to make out the noise. He walked up and stared at the wall.

"What is it..?" I asked as I hid behind the couch. "It's a moth." He turned to me, looking angry. "Well, kill it!" I yell as he killed it and threw it away.

"Thank goodness!" I sighed in relief. He rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen, drinking a glass of water as I sat back down to study.

He came over to me, curiously. "What are you doing?" He was intrigued, his hair was a mess. It looked good though. "I was reviewing some notes." I mumbled, he nodded and looked in my eyes.

"You know, you look good when you're angry!" I say, oblivious to how it may come off as flirtatious. He didn't say anything and just stared at me, it was a little intimidating. "Thanks." He mumbled as he rolled his eyes in disbelief as he sat down beside me.

He stared at the blank screen of the TV while I did my work. I kept quiet, not wanting to disturb him. I kept getting stuck on questions. Why did this have to be so difficult? I stared at the sheet for a while before getting irritated.

I looked up and saw Sasuke looking at me, "Do you need help?" He asked, looking amused at me struggling. "I don't need your help!" I groaned and went back to trying to figure it out. I was definitely not going to let him think that I was dumb! And I most definitely do not need his help.. I can do this!

Some time passed and I was still stuck on the question. I looked up at Sasuke, feeling defeated. He looked at me with a 'haha, what an idiot' smile. "You should've just asked me from the beginning." He chuckled annoyingly as he moved closer to me.

He explained the question to me and then told me how to solve it, but to be honest I wasn't even paying attention. He looked so.. different. He was so arrogant and egotistical before, and since we've moved in together, he's been so helpful and nice.

Or maybe he's like this because he has this rivalry with his brother..? That could be about right, or what if he's acting? What if he had asked Itachi to act like he was into me, and Sasuke made this extreme plan to "protect" me so he could kill me?!?

What am I thinking.. he wouldn't do that! Plus he looks too lazy to play all that out. But you never know!

"Are you listening?" He looked at me, l completely missed everything he said. "Huh? What? Oh! Yeah.." I was too deep into my thoughts to form out words. He sighed and stood up, turning to me. "You're too tired to focus, I'll go over this tomorrow. Get some sleep."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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