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"These taste like meatballs, I love meatballs. Did you know that, Sasuke?" He says as he slurred his speech. I sighed, "Naruto. Keep quiet." I say firmly, he nods. "I got it!" He exclaimed. I fed him some meatballs and brought him back to his room. "Naruto, lay down. I'll be back in a minute." I say, tucking him in.

I walk into the kitchen, thank god mother brought some medicine. I chug down a glass of water and swallow a pill, this is going to make my head ache in the morning. I bring a glass of cold water and a pill to Naruto. I see him trying to get out of bed again, I sighed.

"Naruto." I yelled loudly, "get back in the fucking bed." I say in a demeaning voice, "okay.. don't yell at me." He says tripping and falling backwards on the bed. "Swallow this pill." I handed him the pill and some water. He did as I said and was out cold in a few minutes. "Tch." I clicked my tongue and left his room.


I woke up around 10am, I walked into the bathroom and took a shower. Thankfully I remembered to take some medicine for myself or I would've been in misery. I walked out the bathroom and changed into some comfortable clothes, as I made my way to the kitchen I decided to check up on Naruto.

I went into his room and found him struggling to sleep. I closed the door and walked into the kitchen, "this is such a pain in the ass." I mumbled to myself as I made some tomato soup. Suddenly, I hear a knock on the door. I curiously open the door, to find Itachi standing there. "What do you want?" I asked in an annoyed voice.

"Mother said to eat with you." He made his way in. "She never said that." I speak, not getting a respond from him. "Wheres Naruto?" He scanned the dorm, "still asleep." I mumbled. "He was completely wasted last night, I told him not to drink too much." Itachi chuckled devilishly, "he was with you?" I asked, staring at him blankly.

He smirked, "We had made a bet, I'm just waiting on my 'treat'.."

"What treat?" I asked turning back to finish making soup. "Don't worry about that, Sasuke." Itachi said as he sat down on the couch. I sighed in annoyance. I placed his soup on the dining table, "it's done, come on, brother." He got up and walked over to me.

Itachi didn't say anything but started eating as he scrolled on his phone. I walked to Naruto's room, I opened the door to see him still not being able to sleep. "Naruto." I speak, he tilted his head around to me. "Come eat." I say, he shook his head and laid back down. "I'll bring it in here." I said as I sighed.

"Don't, I won't be able to eat it. I feel like I'm gonna throw up if I get up." He mumbled, "you can eat, don't worry about me."

"I wasn't worried. I'm still going to bring it to you here." I walked to the kitchen to get him a bowl, "where's Naruto?" Itachi asked as he looked up. "Not feeling well." I groaned. "What a shame." Itachi sighed, "I'll be back for dinner." He smiled arrogantly, and left.

I locked the door and went back to Naruto's room with his soup. "Sasuke, I told you I won't be able to-" he spoke but I cut him off, "be quiet." I put the bowl down. "I brought you a cold wet towel." I murmured. "Lay down."

He did as I told him to do and put the towel on top of his head. "Eat." I say as I got up.
"Thanks, Sasuke." He said with a smile.


Looks like I slept on the couch, I sighed and got up for a glass of water. I cleaned up the mess from last night and did some laundry. I sighed before checking the time and doing some homework and studied for about an hour.


I finally finished my studying and decided to check on Naruto. As I walked in his room I see him asleep, I look around to find the mess. I sighed and woke him up, "Naruto, get up." I say. He groaned as he got up, "Seriously? Let me sleep! I was having such a good dream.." he whined. "Shut up you lazy pig." I made him get up, "why are you doing this to me!"

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