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Today is Saturday, so I have no classes for the next two days. Which means I'm completely free with nothing to do.

I get up and clean myself up before I leave my room to make breakfast. I see Sasuke in the kitchen just standing there looking clueless. "What are you doing?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen. He turns around and looks at me, he says nothing. He's so weird, he always talks when he wants to and when I say something he looks zoned out. Like wow okay. "Can you move? I'm trying to make something to eat." I tell him.

"Where is cereal?" He asked me, "did you buy cereal?" I asked him, expecting some sort of answer. "No?" He said, I slapped my forehead. "Sasuke, if you didn't buy it..why are you expecting it to be here?" I ask him genuinely. Did he think this is his parents house? The whole kitchen is empty except some frozen food which we ate last night. "I'll probably stop by the store to get some food later." I tell him.

"I'm just gonna get something from the café." I tell him grabbing my keys. "Can I come with you?" He asked, "with ME? you said you didn't wanna be seen with me??" I ask him chuckling, "can I come or not?" He asks with a straight face. "Fine whatever, come on."

We both walked down to the café near our campus. It was awfully quiet today, not many people were out surprisingly. We got our breakfast and sat down on a table, Sasuke was staring at me the whole time I ate. I was not fond of that, it was really creepy. "Hey! Stop staring at me and eat your food!" I yell at him. He looked clueless, "huh? What are you talking about?" I rolled my eyes, suddenly my eyes fell upon Itachi as he entered the café.

"Oh look, your brother is here too." I say to Sasuke as he looked confused. "Itachi never comes to this café." He said, trying to avoid contact with Itachi. "He says this café is not fancy enough for him." I was actually surprised, why is Sasuke talking to me? and he said two sentences at once. "Why? Is he too "cool" to be seen here or something?" I chuckled jokingly. "Something like that." I look over at Itachi who still hasn't noticed us.

"He still didn't see us, we're literally sitting right next to him." I say as he's sitting two tables away from us. Sasuke got up first, I followed him. "Itachi." He says to his brother. "hey, Sasuke." Itachi said with a straight face, then his eyes fell on me. "Oh, I see you've made up with Naruto. Hey Naruto." He smirked at me. He's so handsome up close but  the way he's smirking is evil.

"Hi, Itachi. Haven't seen you in a while." I lie to him knowing damn well I saw him with kiba yesterday. "Did you miss me?" He winked. I cringed, "sure, you staying with Kiba right?" I ask trying to lower the tension between the two brothers. "Yes, I am. How'd you know?"

"Kiba is my friend, plus me and Sasuke live right in front of your dorm." I tell him as he's making eye contact with me. Oh my god. This is so awkward. "That's nice, what are you up to later, Naruto?" He asked me. He keeps staring at me with those eyes of his, I didn't realize how much him and Sasuke looked alike. "Nothing much, I have some errands to run." I say politely.

Sasuke just stood there observing us talk, few seconds later he just looks at me and drags me out of there. "Hey! What's up with you?" I say as he finally lets me go after we reach out dorm. "Don't go near, Itachi. He's a bad influence to you." He looks at me dead in the eye whilst he says this. "Are you jealous or something?" I ask him jokingly. "Why would I be jealous?" He looks annoyed. "Me and Itachi have talked quite a few times before, why is this an issue now?"

"Just listen to me." He said that and left to go to his room. He's acting weird again. I sigh and go back to my room. I lay on my bed for some time, I read some mangas, finished my homework. "ughh I'm so bored.." I mumble as I hear a knock on my door. "What do you need?" I shout from the inside as I was too lazy to get up. "I'm going back to my house for a while." Sasuke says from the other side.

"I'll be back tonight, and my mother said don't go out to get groceries because she'll send someone to fill up the kitchen." Saying that Sasuke leaves.
I just close my eyes for a while.

Kiba informs me about a party going on our floor, he said, Shikamaru, Choji and Sai will be there too so I probably will go there and there will be free drinks so I'm not missing out on that. The party starts at 7PM so I have about 20 mins to get ready. I hop in the shower.
Can't go wrong with the all black combo, I pick out black sweats and black tee. I see kiba waiting outside for me, I quickly join him and we go looking for Shikamaru and the others.
Itachi's pov;

"You're not drinking, Itachi?" Kisame asks as he sits beside me taking a few shots. "Im fine." I tell him as my eyes wonder around, could Sasuke be here?  Suddenly my eyes fall upon someone, I start walking over to him. "what're you doing here alone?" I lean on the door frame as he took 3 shots down. "Kiba said he didn't want to drink, so I'm here all by myself." Naruto spoke.

"What a shame, mind if I join you?" I sat down beside Naruto. "Here! Drink it!" Naruto gave some to me. "Let's see who can drink the most. The person who wins will..get a treat!" Naruto giggled. "Alright.." I smirk and chug down the glasses.
"Naruto, I think you've drank too much." I say to him, feeling a little dizzy. He's about to completely pass out at this point, I call kiba over. "Naruto has drank too much, he's still going at it." I tell him. "This idiot, I told him not to drink!" Kiba sighed. "Thank you, Itachi. I will take him back to his dorm."

Sasuke's pov;

I walk through the crowd, seems like there's a party going on. As I go closer to my dorm, I see Kiba trying to bring Naruto somewhere. "Where are you taking him?" I ask. "Im taking him back to his dorm." Kiba responds back with the same energy. "I'll take him there." I take Naruto with me, he's completely wasted.

"Why did you drink so much?" I mumble as I unlock the door. He doesn't respond, just stands there observing the dorm. He tried to walk in but tripped over but I luckily caught him. Suddenly, he put his arms around me which was shocking. He just stood hugging me for a while until I finally sat him down on the couch and gave him some water. "Here, drink water." He refused and shook his head, I sighed.

"Come on, I'll put you to sleep." I take his hand into mine and help him walk to his room. "Change into this." I said as I looked through his wardrobe and handed him some pjs. "Hey! Turn around you pervert!" He said as his speech slurred. I sigh and turn around.

"Im done now!" He says excitedly. "Lay down there and sleep, im going to turn the lights off." I tucked him into bed. This stupid party has caused me a headache, I rub my eyes feeling annoyed. I head to the living room and finish my homework.
It was about 2am and the commotion is still going on outside. I go in and check on Naruto one last time before going out to get food.
As I finally freed myself from the crowd and entered my dorm and I see that Naruto is laying on the couch. I walked over and turns out he was watching tv with one eye open. How strange. "Naruto? Why did you leave your bed?" I go over and shake him. He gets up and looks at me but doesn't respond. I sit beside him and give him some of the fries I got.

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