𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝟎𝟗

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I'm staring at my bandaged wrist.

I hate Mondays.

After father told us about Peter and his girlfriend, it seems to be the only topic he's interested in. After that night, he always talks about Peter and his girlfriend.

He doesn't touch this topic to make me jealous. No, no, no. He indirectly fires insults at me that I couldn't be a good girlfriend and took care of him.

Because you weren't a good girlfriend.

I quickly pull up the sleeve of my uniform's jacket as I hear mom's door open.

"Good morning, honey." She says with a sleepy smile.

"Good morning, mom." I say before I look down at my cereal and put a spoonful of it in my mouth.

Mom walks in the kitchen and pours herself a cup of coffee.

"How was last night's dinner?"

I hate that question.

"Fine."  I say, mixing my cereal for no reason.

"Are you okay, honey?" Mom asks, I don't need to look up to see she's worried about me. I can tell by her voice.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

My phone dings. I pick up my phone and open Liv's chat.

I sigh in defeat.

I have 5 guys who would willingly go with you to your dad's gathering in November.
I'll tell you more about them at work.
Love you (think over my advice.)

Liv's advice was for me to take someone to my father's gathering in November in order to show him that I can be a good girlfriend and be committed to a relationship.

"What's wrong?" I look up when mom asks.

I put my phone down and shake my head, "nothing. Liv texted me asking if I want to take someone to the gathering held in November at father's."

"Oh," mom looks at my phone then at me when she says, "do you want to?"

"I don't know…"

I want to show my father that I can be committed and responsible in a relationship but I'll be taking someone there for one night and after that one night, no one will hear anything about him.

In conclusion, my father will have more reasons to indirectly throw taunts at me.

"Oh well, I should head to school." I hop off the stool and grab my bag.

"Do you want me to drive you there?" Mom asks as I reach over the counter to kiss her cheek.

"No, I'll take the bus." I put my bag strap over my shoulder and walk towards the door, "bye mom" I say as I twist the doorknob.

"Bye, honey. Have a great day."

"You too!" I yell before I shut the door.

My hand stays on the doorknob as I release a sigh.

"Fifth Monday.." I murmur.

I tilt my head towards the ceiling and release a heavy breath.

I tilt my head back down and release the doorknob, "I'll keep it hidden." I pull the sleeves of my uniform jacket again before walking towards the elevator.

Today's mission: don't let Jameson see your wrist.


𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐮 + 𝐢 Where stories live. Discover now