𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝟑𝟎

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Sophia is avoiding me.

I don't know what happened to her but it sure as hell is pissing me off.

We were fine. There was nothing wrong between us and now suddenly Sophia is finding ways to not hang out with me outside of school.

"Did you tell Sophia that I like her?" I ask Ethan.

We're at the basketball court. I wanted to get out of the house to do something to get my mind off of Sophia but I can't.

She's stuck in my mind. She always is.

"No." Ethan answers and throws the ball towards me.

I catch it, "did you tell Liv?"

"No." He says, "why?"

"Sophia's avoiding me."

"Maybe she just got sick of you."

I throw the ball towards Ethan, aiming for his face but he catches it before it could break his nose.

"Fuck off."

Ethan laughs, "she'll come around."

"It's been 3 days." I say, "she's being distant from me. Even in school, she cuts our conversation short."

"Doesn't she always?"

"No." I say through gritted teeth, "you'd notice but you're too busy sending heart emojis to your girlfriend."

Ethan rolls his eyes.

"Why don't you go to her work?"

"I did yesterday. As soon as she saw me, she ran in the kitchen and didn't come out while I was there."

Ethan winces, "that gotta stink. The first girl you fell for first is avoiding you."

I drag a hand across my face, "this sucks."

"I can tell."

A pause before I say,"She knows."

"She's smart so probably."

I release a heavy breath.



Can we meet? I need to talk to you.

We'll talk tomorrow, I'm busy studying. Sorry.

Our last conversation was 10 minutes ago. And I've been staring at our texts since then.

Why does this bug me so much? Usually when I'm interested in a girl and she shows that she doesn't have any interest, I step back.

But it's different with Sophia. It always has been. Whenever I should've stepped back, the urge to keep digging becomes stronger with her every time.


I turn my head to look at my sister.


"Are you okay?"

I frown, "yeah, why?"

"You look... sad."

"Oh, uh," I look at my phone. I turn it off, place it down on the counter and turn on my stool so I'm facing Jane, "I'm okay."

She tilts her head, "you're lying."

"I'm not."

"You are." Jane says, "why don't you call Sophia? She always makes you smile!" Jane grins.

I blink at her, "what?"

"Call Sophia. She'll make you smile."

"You make me smile too, kiddo."

Jane shakes her head, "not like Sophia."

"What do you mean?"

"Sophia makes you smile just by.. being there. She doesn't even have to say anything and you start smiling. You always smile whenever you see her. You even smile when we talk about her."

I stare at Jane speechless.

"You looooove Sophia." Jane says grinning.

"I..." I trail off.

You always smile whenever you see her.

I do but that doesn't mean that I-

There are many ways you look at her and none of them says 'she's just a friend'

You look at her like you would drown in her affection.

She doesn't even have to say anything and you start smiling.

I'll fake-marry you.

I'll think about your proposal.

My heart skips a beat at the realization.

How did my attraction become this?

𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐮 + 𝐢 Where stories live. Discover now