𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝟒𝟐

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I have never disliked a parent as much as I dislike Richard right now.

We think you and Tyler would be a lovely couple.

You’re fucking kidding me.

I told myself that I won’t let anything ruin my mood because I don’t want Sophia to be more worried than she already is.

But Richard took it far.

He had already made it look like Sophia was single because when I went to introduce myself as Sophia’s partner, he jumped in and said I was her friend.

I am not her fucking friend.

Sophia is blinking at Richard after he stated that her and Tyler would be a lovely couple. Alan seems furious and Eva looks worried, squeezing her fiance’s hand.


“Come. I need to talk to you.” Alice cuts off Sophia by grabbing her hand and dragging her away.

Richard and Tobias excuse themselves and walk away as well.

I bring my attention to the asshole in front of who has the audacity to smirk.

“What the hell are your parents thinking?” I ask, trying to keep my voice cool.

His smirk spreads, “They’re thinking of having grandchildren that me and Sophia will give them.”

I stop myself from attacking him and making a scene.

I take a deep breath, “you know me and Sophia are dating.”

He hums, “I don’t think so. I’m pretty sure Richard would’ve told my parents if that were the case.”

“It doesn’t matter what Richard told your parents. You know the truth. Go to your mom and tell her that Sophia and I are involved.”

“No, thanks.” he smiles, “I like where this is going. Sophia is hot.”

Alan grabs my arm when I raise it to punch Tyler. The asshole smirks and walks away.

“Fucking asshole.” I mutter behind him.

“We’ll deal with him later.” Alan says, “right now we need someone to get Sophia here.”

I look at him, “Why can’t we go and get her?”

“It’s not the best time to upset Richard,” Eva says, “if we go, we’ll be disturbing them and come out as ‘rude’. It would be better if someone else went and excused Sophia here.”

“And that will work?”

“That’s how Alan got out of conversations,” Eva smiles.

“Alright then.”

“Uh, we have to find someone who knows Sophia and has talked to her.” Alan says before he and Eva scan the room for someone.

From the corner of my eye, I catch Tobias excusing himself from Richard leaving him alone.

“I’ll be right back.” I say before I make my way towards Richard.


Richard turns around to face me, “Can I help you with something?”

“Sophia and I did not separate.” I say, calmly.

“I know. I’m preparing her for when you do.”

“I don’t think you’re understanding me, sir.” I say, putting on a tight smile, “Sophia and I did not separate and we’re not going to.”

“This is only the start of your relationship, boy. This relationship will hit rock bottom.”

𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐮 + 𝐢 Where stories live. Discover now