𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝟓𝟑

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“Did you wrestle with your tie?”

Ethan says, judging the tie I tried perfecting. I look down at it and it does look like I’ve wrestled with it.

“It’s not that bad.”

I awkwardly grin at Ethan. He shakes his head before stepping closer and working on my tie.

Ethan came over to my house so we could drive together to Liv’s to pick up the girls.

Tonight is prom and while I had made up my mind at the start of the year that I wouldn't attend it, I didn’t expect to fall in love with Sophia Clark- who has never attended school events.

Originally, me and Ethan were going to go out watch movies and eat out but now we both are taking our girls to the prom.

Never saw this day coming.

“Why are you so tense tonight?”

Ethan’s question brings me out of my thoughts.

“Sophia and I haven’t discussed a topic yet and I’m worried what she thinks about it.”

“What topic? If you don’t mind me asking.”

I shake my head, he steps back after finishing the work, “we haven’t discussed what happens after graduation. She has been dodging this topic since the accident. I know she said she’s going to Harvard but she didn’t tell me anything other than that.”

Ethan hums, after a beat he speaks, “Sophia probably has something up her sleeves,” I raise an eyebrow, “we all know how strictly she takes her studies. If she’s dodging this topic then maybe she has a plan. Don’t worry, she won’t be able to keep it in for too long.”

“Since when are you an expert at relationships?”

He shrugs, “Liv is making me watch too many rom-coms.”

I chuckle, “I can’t wait for the day she makes you wear her favorite onesie.”

“Don’t go too far.”


We reach Liv’s house in fifteen minutes. Liv’s dad- Robert- welcomes us inside. Anna hurries out of the kitchen wearing oven mitts.

“Oh, great, you’re here. The girls are still getting ready.” she says and gestures to the couch, “take a seat. I’ll let them know.”

We nod and take our seat on the couch. Anna disappears upstairs while Robert gives us company.

Every minute, I keep glancing up hoping Sophia appears or at least peeks downstairs.

She's been at Liv's house since morning.

I woke up to her text that said-

My Genius
Good morning. I'm going over to Liv's. I will be at her house most of the day to get ready. See you tonight!

I called her with hundreds of complaints to which she laughed and said “it's just a few hours. We will spend the whole night together.”

Then I called Ethan and we politely discussed how we're against their sudden all-day meet up.

Our heads snap up at the sound of footsteps. Anna reaches the last stair and says, “they're ready.”

Ethan and I stand up quickly. We walk forward and stand at the end of the stairs.

“Come down, girls!” Anna says.

Liv appears at the top of the stairs first wearing a long silk blue gown, with her hair down. Her smile widens as she locks her eyes with Ethan.

𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐮 + 𝐢 Where stories live. Discover now