𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝟏𝟐

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Sophia’s standing bold and confident in front of Nessa who’s nothing but pissed. Sophia’s emotionless eyes and expression is probably making Nessa’s blood boil.

I knew Nessa’s silence yesterday wouldn't last. She bombarded me with questions as soon as I stepped into school.

She followed me all the way to Ms Tessa’s class wanting answers. At one point, I thought I might end up doing something horrible but I didn’t.

I stayed quiet because honestly I hadn’t worked out how I was going to tell everyone that me and Sophia aren’t dating. But then when Nessa asked again if I was really dating Sophia, I heard my fake-girlfriend fire back.

Tell me you’re not dating that loner.

Why is it so hard to believe?

The smile on my lips widens at the memory.

“I wasn’t talking to you,” Nessa says.

“You seem to be talking about me,” Sophia’s voice contains nothing.

Nessa’s jaw clenches.

“Would you mind stepping away? I need to get to my desk.” Sophia says after a long moment of silence.

Nessa groans and stomps out of the class. Sophia’s emotionless eyes follow Nessa out before they lock with mine.

“Changed your mind?” I ask, lifting my eyebrows.

Sophia takes her seat beside me as she says, “I guess so,”after she puts down her bag, her head turns towards me, “This deal is not only going to benefit you, I need your help as well.”

“Anything,” I say and I mean it.

“Good.” her head turns away as she takes out her notebook.

“Does this include that date thing your friend mentioned yesterday?” I ask.


Sophia’s friend accidentally revealed that Sophia needs a date for some gathering and when I volunteered, Sophia had denied. I’m guessing her friend has to do something with Sophia’s sudden change of mind.

“Thanks by the way,” I say

Sophia looks at me, her eyes softening as she nods, “no problem. Helps both of us.”

I chuckle, “true.”

Our head turns forward as Ms Tessa walks into class.

My shoulders relax as the realization settles in.

This'll help the both of us.


“Are we going to come up with some ground rules?” Sophia asks after we exit Ms Tessa’s class.

I shove my hands into my pockets before I ask, “what kind of ground rules?”

She shrugs, “I don’t know. Maybe like what to say when somebody asks something about our relationship.”

“Give me for instance.”

“Okay, uh, what if someone asks us about how we started dating?”

“You became obsessed with me then I decided to give you a try.” I joke which earns me a glare from Sophia, “I’m kidding.” she rolls her eyes.

“What in the fucking hell?”

Me and Sophia stop as Ethan approaches us, his eyebrow drawn together as his eyes shift back and forth from me to Sophia then finally settle on me.

𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐮 + 𝐢 Where stories live. Discover now