Chapter 14

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Yesterday night the two teenagers had stayed there for hours and hours until they finally went inside to their owns rooms.

They hadn't talked at all.
They were just sitting there, looking at the sky, both thinking about their own problems while Miles was smoking his joint.

Next day Miles went to school early, because he wanted to see Ganke more.
As he entered his dorm he saw Ganke sitting on his phone. They talked about random topics and Miles told him about the dinner. Well. He basically just told him that Jessica asked how he was and when he heard that he smiled widely.

"So she does care huh?"
"I dunno man, she just said she felt bad or something like that"
"It still counts"
"Ganke? Do you like her? and be honest"

"No man I don't, I really don't, trust me. And even if I did we probably wouldn't work out. Or maybe we would. You know what they say opposites attract. But seriously now, I do not like her like that"

It was true. They do say that opposites attract. But Miles didn't really believed that when it came to a relationship.

He wanted to be on the same page with his girlfriend. He didn't want to be with a girl that is the opposite of him. He wasn't into those soft, sensitive, extroverted, girly girls. Or those bitchies, who only want him for his dick.

He wanted to find someone who can deal with his shit without crying about it. Someone who can understand him and his problems. Someone who is gonna love him even if he's dry or cold most of the time. Someone who wouldn't be scared when they found out who he is...
The Prowler.

"I just really thought that we would be friends that's all" Ganke's voice pulled him out of his thoughts.
"Okay man, I was just curious"
"Let's get to class now, come on, get up" The two boys stand up and headed to their first period.

~Time skip~

Jessica didn't go to school the first two periods. She needed some more time to get ready before getting out of the house.

She looked at the time and she had to leave if she didn't want to miss her third period too.

She entered the school and start running to her class since she was 10 minutes late. She had math now.

Fuck. She thought. There is no way her math teacher will let her in.

And she was right he didn't.
He kicked her out of the class.

Jessica was now sitting on the stairs -out of the class she just got kicked out- while resting her head and back on the wall. Until she heard someone's footsteps....the same ones as yesterday.

Miles was walking to his math class, probably being late as she was. He looked at her and went to open the door, but didn't when he heard her voice.

"Don't even bother. I tried and he kicked me out for being late"

Miles snorted and went to sit on the stairs too. He sat 3 steps down from her and rested his head on the stairs railings.

"So what he just told you to get out?" Miles said breaking their silence.

"mhm, he just kicked me out, for being 10 minutes late"

There it was again. Silence.
A comfortable silence. But Miles decided to brake it once again.

"Yesterday was..." He said trying to find the right word but Jessica beat him to it.
"Silent. It was...silent" She said and finally met his gaze.

They stared into each other's eyes for a moment before Miles spoke again.

"You should learn how to close you window, you know"

"Or maybe, you should learn how to close your ears"
Miles slightly chuckled with how fast her response was.
"You never seem to not talk back huh?"

"No, I don't...I had a good teacher for that.." she turned her head the other way as she was refering to him. Miles didn't know who she was talking abkut, but decided to not push it any further.

"I don't think that you don't love your ma" Miles felt like he had to let her know that he didn't mean what he said, for some reason.
"I really don't, I just said it out of...coldness. I think you know what I mean"

"Its...fine. You had your reasons to assumed it, I guess"

Miles took a moment thinking of what he should say after
"Your ma said some pretty messed up things to you last night"

"Why do you keep saying ma? Just say Olivia or even Liv"
She responded, trying to avoid what he just said about her mom, and Miles did notice it, so he decided to just go with the flow.

"Well first, I'm not from here ya know, that's why and two, you don't like the word ma?"

"No I like the way its sounds its just, weird calling my mom that"

"Why? you want me to call you ma then?"

"What? No, when did I even say that?"
Miles shrugged his shoulders before speaking again.

"I dunno, but I can call you that if thats what you want" he said with a small smirk on his face.

"No i don't want you to call me that. Mostly because we just started talking. If you want to call me something that bad, just call me Jess"

"ohhhh I have the permission to do that now? i thought you said that we just started talking"

"why would you need permi- Please, don't tell me you thought you couldn't call me Jess?"

"You didn't give me the okay to do that, sooo, no I didn't" he said and chuckled.

"Oh God you really are stupid"

"I was trying to be nice okay?"

"To who? I wouldn't give a shit. We weren't even talking"

"oh so now we are on talking terms?"

"Well if you consider the fact that we have been talking for the past 15 minutes, then yes, yes we are"

"okay, okay, I fuck with that"

The two teenagers sat there in silence while making eye contact from afar.
Jessica's green eyes met Miles's brown ones.
Miles got once again lost in them.
While Jessica was trying to understand how they even started talking out of nowhere.

The ring starts belling which made them look away and stand up from sitting on the stairs.

The took one last look at each other before they headed their separate ways.

As Miles was walking down the halls, he couldn't stop himself from thinking about her eyes and the fact that it was the first time that, those eyes didn't looked at him coldly.

While Jessica, was just wondering.
Wondering how and why she suddenly felt so comfortable around him and start talking?
To be honest Jessica was a very talkative person, especially when she was happy -which she hadn't been in a long while now- but she was talkative only when she was feeling completely comfortable around someone.

She felt comfortable around him


He felt comfortable around her


They didn't know why?

Cold - m. morales e42Where stories live. Discover now