Chapter 24

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"I know that you're the Prowler"

Jessica's voice was now echoing in Miles's ears. He didn't expect her to say something like this. How could she know?

"Mhm" Jess nodded.
"I'm not. why do you think tha-"
"I recorded you. I also puzzled the pieces. It was kinda obvious"

Miles sighed since he couldn't deny it. I mean she did say she recorded him so.
"How long have you known.."
"I knew it..."
"what?" Miles was now confused.
"Okay so I did recorded you, but yours face wasn't seen. I was just making sure and I was right"

Miles was now shocked. At the fact that she played him like that and at the fact that she remained calm, with her head still on his shoulders.

"Okay. First of all. Fuck you. Second of all. How long have you known?"
"Just a couple of days"
"Why are you so calm? why aren't you freaking out"
"Because Miles...i don't care"
Miles was for some reason, relieved.

"I told you I'm wasn't scared of the Prowler, why would I be now that I know it's you. I just have to know...why?"

Miles sighed before talking. The girl picked her head up from his shoulders and now it just felt cold.

"I just. At first is was my uncle then I took his place. I did it for my mom The money wasn't enough so I just..started it. I also wanted to end the people who killed my dad. Then I just...kept killing. I killed many people, but every single one of them deserved it. They were, criminals, thiefs, abusers, rapists. I killed some people for the money too, I'm not gonna deny it, but they still had done something in the past that deserved a punishment"

Jess didn't say something she just stared at him.

"Can you please not look at me differently"
"I won't" Jessica said almost immediately.

"I just...need a favor"
"Favor? Like what"
"I want to find Chico"

Miles mind went to the drug dealer that killed Jessica's best friend.

"Why and what can I do about it"
"You can found him for me. I just want to him. Not in a sweet way but still"
"really?" Jessica didn't expect him to agree so easy.

"Yeah, I can do this for you ma" Jessica smiled and Miles was once again amazed by it. He loved seeing her smile. Especially when he was the reason that made her smile.

"Do you wanna go inside? I can do your braids again"
"Oh dios, no otra vez"
"I have no idea what you just said, so I'm gonna take that as a yes" Jessica said and stood up.

"kay, me encanta cuando haces mis trenzas" (I like it when you do my braids)
"Can you stop with the Spanish. I literally don't know what you're saying"
"I said that I hate when you do my braids"
"Yeah okay, go cry about it, because they looked amazing"

Jessica was about to go to her window when she suddenly stopped and turned around.
"I room is a mess from last night. We can't go inside"
"Thats fine ma, we can go to mine"
"We'll have to bring Jinx with us. I can't let her stay out nor in my room"

"tráela también ma, no me importa"(bring her too ma, i dont mind)
"are you doing it on purpose or what? Do I look like a google translate to you?" Miles chuckled a bit at her sarcasm.
"No I just like when I see your reaction" He said and climbed inside his room with Jess behind him. She dropped Jinx inside on his floor and then got in herself.

"Okay now sit down" She demanded.
"sí, señora" Miles said in Spanish just so he can tease her and Jess rolled her eyes playfully.

They sat down like last time. Jessica on the bed while Miles is sitting on the floor between her legs. His arm is once again wrapped around her leg with his hand grabbing her calf, ready to dig his nails in case she hurt him. She undone his braids before starting redoing them.

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