Chapter 43

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When Jess entered the apartment she was met with her father's angry gaze.

"what?" She asked and gave him a confused look which only made him more angry.

"You have the audacity to ask what? After how you acted?" Jess closed the door behind her before taking a step forward.
"How I acted was completely normal, your actions are the problem"

"My actions? Oh please what did I even do?"
"Are you fucking serious? You called me Margo when you know that no one is allowed to call me that. Yet you still did call me that"

Jess blood was boiling and after she heard her dad laughing she felt like she would explode.

"Oh I'm sorry, did I hurt your feelings by just calling you Margo?"
"Stop calling me that for fucks sake" Jessica had now yelled at him after losing her patience.

"Hey! What's going on? Why are you yelling?" Olivia asked as she ran up to them.
"Mom stay out off this"
"Yeah Olivia why don't you do as your daughter say"
"Oh so now I'm not your daughter?"
"Oh please did that hurt you too?"

"Guys stop yelling-"
"Mom not now" Jess cut her mother off as she took a step closer to her father.

She was staring into his eyes with the most cold and threatening look she has ever given to anyone while he was starting at her with an amusing smile like it was funny.

"Why do you pretend like you even care huh?"
"Because I do care"
"Oh please, please someone hand him an Oscar for his amazing acting. You're better than Leonardo Dicaprio dad, congratulations" She said while clapping her hands.

"Stop with the sarcasm kid, it won't turn out well for you"
"Or what? You're gonna leave again? Oh no so sad"
"Jess calm dow-" Olivia tried to to grab her daughter by her shoulders but Jess smacked her hands away.

"No mom I won't calm down. You came out of nowhere and you can't even respect my decision about something"
"Oh come on its just a name"
"If it's just a name then why do you have to call me that? Isn't it enough that you call me Tiff most of the time?"
"I do not"
"Yes you fucking do" Jess yelled and pushed her dad away.

"Hey! Calm down" Her dad said with a threatening look on his face.
"Or what David?"
"Jess stop it please" Olivia tried to calm her daughter again but it obviously didn't work.
"Are you on your month or something? Because you're acting crazy" After Jess heard this she started laughing.

"Oh so now I have to be on my period to be mad at you?"
"I didn't say that-"
"You think you're the one who's right?"
"I'm the parent so yes"
"The what?"
"The parent" Jess started laughing harder when he said those words.

"Parent? So thats what you're now? You decided on the spot or you were planning it? Because it's hilarious" She said while she couldn't control her laugh.

"I swear to God kid, you're driving me crazy" Her father said with and angry voice as he took a step towards her.

He grabbed Jess by her shirt and made her look at him in the eyes.
Her piercing cold stare came back and trust me, if a stare could kill he would for sure be dead.

"David let go of her. Now" Olivia said looking at him holding her daughter by her shirt.
"Nah, let her speak, say what you want yo say kid"
"All i have you say it that you left and now you come back for fun" She said with a smile on her face but her cold gaze never left her eyes.

"I left because I couldn't stand your mother anymore. But if I knew you turned out like this I would have never come back on the first place" Her dad said in front of her face but even if that sentence hurted she didn't show it.

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