Chapter 52

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"Where the fuck do you think you're going? I'm still talking to you!" Miles screamed after Jess as he was walking behind down the stairs.

"I'm walking away from your dramatic ass. That's where I'm going" She responded and rolled her eyes as she was walking to his livingroom.

"Fix that tone ma, before i do" This time his tone was angrier and more harsh than before as he grabbed her arm and turned her around, forcing her to meet his gaze.

Jessica let out a tired sigh since she was sick of arguing about the same shit all over again.

Her and Miles went to the groceries store to buy some snacks and when they were about to pay, a dude came towards them and he started talking to Jess.

It was the dude that had asked for her number some months ago and his ego was clearly still offended by her rejection. The guy had seen Miles standing behind her and he immediately realized that that was the type she talking about. He started talking to Jess like they've known each other for years but he mainly insulted her about her behavior when they met, saying that she was rude and that she acted like a bitch and he let Miles know that he had met her before.

Miles didn't take that very well.
He was about to beat the shit out of this dude for even saying her name, let alone that he called her a bitch. He was ready to start a fight in the middle of the store but Jess told him not to. She said that this wasn't the time nor the place and after some minutes of basically telling him that he can't beat every dude that says something insulting to her, she pulled him out of the store.

"Why did you care if beat him or not huh?"
"Because you can't start a fight for the dumbest shits! I don't give a fuck if this guy called me a bitch so why do you"
"Why don't you want me to beat him?! You care about him or something?!"

He clearly ignore what she had just said and kept asking the same question again and again.

"Whats going on there"
"Why are you guys fighting"

Rio and Aaron asked concerned as they walked towards the couple but Miles ignored them too while his eyes were still glued to hers.

"He's mad because I didn't let him beat a dude at the store!" Jess had now raised her voice a little as she gave her boyfriend an annoyed look.

"Don't fucking raise your voice at me ma"
"Oh so I can't but you can? How does that work?" She said and pushed him back a little. Miles leaned his head back and clicked his tongue as her action made him even more angry.

"Miles-" Aaron tried to put some sense in him but it didn't work since he cut him off, ignoring what his uncle was about to say.
"Ma watch your fucking hands and just tell me why. It's easy"
"Oh so you wanna know why?"

She took a step closer to his body and her face was now some inches away from his.

"Because I'm tired of you being a dramatic prick" For Miles, that's where she draw the line.
"Or maybe you should stop acting like a bitch" After Miles said those words Jessica stormed out of the livingroom and walked upstairs.

"HEY" Rio walked towards her son with quick steps and so did Aaron.

"No te atrevas a llamar perra a tu novia, ni volver a faltarle el respeto así"
(Don't you dare call your girlfriend a bitch nor disrespect her like that)

Rio said, pointing a finger at her son while Aaron was staring at him with an disappointed expression.

"Miles this is not-"
"Uncle not right now"
"No. This is the time" Aaron said and Miles let out a sigh.

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