Chapter 57

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But this scream, wasn't her's nor the man's. It was Miles's scream.

After leaving the hospital he wanted to see her but first, he had to do a job. So he put his mask and Prowler suit on and left with his uncle.

The job didn't last long and Miles finished it even faster so that he can go to her. He had a small smile since he was more than excited to tell her the good news about his hand, but that smile faded so quickly when he saw that man o top of her.

Even if he was on the roof top, he could still hear her crying and that broke his heart even more.

He noticed who this man was and immediately felt more guilty because it was his fault. He was tha one who put her thought this danger and he was the one to left her all alone the day before.

The excitement suddenly became anger and the only thing he had in mind, was to kill this man. He wanted make him suffer for even touching a piece of her hair,let alone assaulting her like this.

"DONT FUCKING TOUCH HER" He screamed with his robotic voice as he jumped off the rooftop.

He landed a few inches behind the man and with his robotic -and healthy- hand he punch across his face. Miles went to punch him again but the man bent down to avoid the hit.

Jess took this as an opportunity and with all of her strength she turned around and pushed him off of her. The man went to grab her leg again but she kicked his hand away.

Miles turned the man around, so he could face him and started puching him in the face. The two of them were fighting while Jess was standing away from them, still in shock of what almost had happened to her.

The fear hadn't left her body yet and she felt like she couldn't move. She wanted to help him somehow but legs stayed frozen in her spot. Her breath weren't normal amd they became heavier and faster every minute.

As the two males were fighting, the man had managed to take off Miles's robotic hand, but that didn't stopped him from punching  the man.

"So she is your girl after all" The man let out a small laugh which only made Miles angrier.

"I told you I would kill you if you dared to touch her" Miles responded before kicking him in the leg and punching him in the stomach.

"And that's what I'm about to do" He added and kicked him in the head. Theman smiled as he grabbed his arm -the damaged one- He heard Miles wince in pain at the sudden touch and immediately realized that this was his weak spot.

The man put more pressure in his grip and Miles couldn't help but curse loudly. He pushed Miles harshly against the wall which made him hit his head back.

The man walked towards the frozen Jess again, with an evil smile on his face. Jess took a step back as tears were still falling from her eyes.

"No,no,no, pleas-" She was cut off when the man punched her and pushed her against the wall. His hand grabbed her neck while the other one was blocking her from leaving.

Jess manage to unblock her one arm and pushed his head as far as possible. The man pulled her away from the wall before slamming her back again and again. Jessica had hit her head on the wall two times and her sight became blurry while her eyes were still like waterfalls.

Miles grabbed the man from behind, pulling him away from her and slamming him into a trash bin. Jessica fell on her knees and then completely on the ground. She was still in terror shock and felt like she couldn't control her own body but she was trying her best to come to her senses again.

The two males kept punching each other and the fight became more intense than before. The man grabbed Miles's damaged arm and threw him over his shoulder. Miles's back landed on the ground and he let out a groan in pain, the man walked towards him and stepped on his hand.

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