Pride or love?

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Alhathiam leaned back in his chair. It had been hours since his and Kaveh's fight. He kept replaying the scene in his head. He couldn't seem to figure out what the big issue was, he came home to unexpected, and unwelcome guest in his home. Kaveh hadn't even tried to ask for permission!

He couldn't grasp how he was in the wrong. Feeling defeated there was one thing left for him to turn to. He got up from his position, grabbing his headphones off the table, and walking to the door. But he paused for a moment. He debated if it was the right idea to just leave after the fight, with no explanation.

Alhathiam sighed in defeat as he walked to the kitchen counter and placed down a note. And with that he was off.

                               ——• • •——

Visiting the library was something Alhathiam had always enjoyed. He even grew to be friends with the sweet old woman who worked there. Her and him often would discuss books, or issues with Kaveh. She offered great advice that always seemed to fix the issue. Hopefully she could do the same this time.

The door to the dimly light library creaked open. Despite the unusual timing Alhathiam hoped she would still be there. He made his way to the unattended desk, and rung the bell for help.

Ding, ding, ding.

"Hold your horses, I'm coming!" A sweet voice called out. As a smile crept on the cold boys face.

"Now who in their right mind is at a library at 6am? Don't you have some better place to-" The frail women stopped dead in her tracks as she walked around the shelf of books, greeted by the sight of the man before her.

Alhathiam shrugged his shoulders and gave her a guilty look. "As of right now, I don't think I have anywhere better to be."

"What did you do now?" She crossed her arms and furrowed her brows.

"I screwed up big time. Or at least Kaveh thinks I did." Alhathiam scratches the back of his neck.

"You go sit at that table over there, I'll get us a cup of tea." She sticks her boney finger out, and gestures to a table in the corner. Before turning back to the office behind the front desk.

Alhathiam walks over to the table and sits down. He puts on his headphones, and gets out his favorite book. Reading the next chapter in the mean time.

                              ——• • •——

The woman sets a cup of tea down in front of Alhathiam, which got his attention. He put the book down and slid off his headphones. The little lady sat in the seat across from him. Sipping her tea.

"We had another fight, and this time he's really mad." He rubs the rim of the cup with his index finger.

"What was the fight over?" She sets her tea down.

"He had his friends over—which he knows don't like me! And he didn't even ask me about it, or try to inform me. I get home to a group of strangers in my dinning room!" He looks up at her, clearly in distress about the situation.

"And when I tried to talk to him he got mad at me. And so we got into a fight, which I guess made his friends uncomfortable, and they left. Then he was just upset. Not even angry, but he looked at me with hurt, and disappointment in his eyes. Which made me feel even worse." Alhathiam calms down. He looks at his reflection in the tea.

"And you won't apologize?" The woman eyes him.

"Of course not, I'm not in the wrong here." His tone now sounded offensive.

"All I'm hearing is it being your house. It's his house too, and he has a right to have friend over. He's a grown man and he doesn't need your permission." She crosses her arms and leans back.

Alhathiam sits in silence and debates what she said to him. She notices he needs more of a push, she sighs at the dense boy in front of her, letting out a slight chuckle. Thinking back to the puppy love phase she went through.

"Look, all I know is you really care about him. If you didn't this wouldn't weigh as heavily on your mind. Your relationship with each other is complicated, and no one gets it like you two do." She places her hand on Alhatiams arm.

"The people we love most drive us insane. But at the end of the day we don't know what we'd do without them. So go apologize to him before it's too late. Take it from me, that kind of love only comes around once a lifetime."

"Even if I did apologize I wouldn't know what to say." He looks away from her to the ground ashamed.

"I'm sorry. That's what you say, tell him you overreacted and tried to be in control. He knows you're a control freak. I'm sure he won't hold a grudge. You can't stay mad at the people you love." She smiles reassuringly.

Alhathiam sighs and takes what she said in. He gets up from the table and looks down at her. "Thank you Aarav." He turns his back to her and exits the library. Aarav shakes her head and laughs to herself. "That boy, his prides going to be the death of him." She whispers to herself picking up the cups.

                              ——• • •——

On his way back to the house he went over everything the woman said, and thought about his apology. He tried to prepare himself, as he walked up the steps to the home. He stopped at the door and shut his eyes tight, he took a deep breath in and a deep breath out. He was ready, he turned the door knob open and was welcomed by the sight of Kaveh curled up on the couch.

"Kaveh." His voice bellowed out in the silent room. Alhathiam walked over to the couch and sat down next to him. He couldn't bring himself to look at him.

"I'm—I'm.." He hesitates for a moment. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made a scene like that. You're a grown man and don't need me to make decisions for you. Or to try to control them." He stares down at his hands and lets out a relieved sigh.

"Look what I'm saying is-" he turns to look at Kaveh only to see him in tears. He's stunned for a second. "Why are you crying?"

"Their happy tears!" Kaveh croaks out. "It's just, I've been up all night, worried about how you were going to be. And I saw you're note and I assumed you where so mad you just left." He wipes the tear drops off his cheeks. "I'm just really glad you came back." Kaveh smiles sheepishly.

"I am too." Alhathiam places his hand on Kaveh's back, and gently rubs it to help him calm down. Kaveh scoots closer to him and rest his head on Alhathiam's shoulder. The two stay like that for a long period of time, happy to finally put the fighting behind them for now.

"You know I found out something new about you today." Kaveh looks up to Alhathiam.

"And what's that?" Alhathiam says in a calm voice.

"That when it comes to pride or love, you always choose love." Kaveh smiles and buries his head in Alhathiams neck.

Alhathiam laughs as he thinks about what Kaveh said. "That's just because it's you." He says running his fingers through Kaveh's hair. He knew Kaveh was already asleep in his arms, but it couldn't hurt to stay like that for just a little while longer. Alhathiam wraps his arms around Kaveh and leans back on the couch laying him on his chest. He closes his eyes and enjoys the sweetness of the moment.

Aarav was right, without Kaveh Alhathiam wouldn't know what to do. Kaveh was his everything, and although he never showed it, he would do anything for him. Even put aside his own pride to keep him around. Just to have more moments like these. He kisses the top of Kaveh's head and whispers, "You're right, if it comes down to you, or my pride. I'll choose you every time. Because I love you." before slowly drifting to sleep.

Just roommates..? (KavehxAlhaitham) Where stories live. Discover now