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When Kaveh rolled out of bed that morning something about him was just off. His soft smile gone, and his warm eyes where stern and cold. Clearly the boy was in a sour mood.

Stumbling down the hall he pushed open the bathroom door, his eyes locking with the mirror. He gasped when he saw his reflection. "I look horrible." Kaveh muttered to himself. He pulled his hair back and tied it into a bun. Gently he turned the faucet to cold and cupped his hands under the ice cool water. He bent down and splashed his face. He let out a groan as the water made contact with his face. Softly rubbing his smooth skin. Kaveh turned the sink off and let down his hair.

"That's a little better" he spoke under his breath. He grabbed a hair brush and went to work on the knots in his hair.

                                 ——• • •——

After longer then Kaveh would like to admit he finally managed to detangle his hair, and get a proper shower. He walked down the hall into the kitchen. Tapping his finger on the counter he thought of what he needed to do today.

He frowned and looked at the calendar on the fridge. Noticing the big red circle in the middle. Walking closer he inspected the paper closer. "Hm?" He grabbed the paper off the fridge and read it.

"Mom's birthday." Kaveh read aloud. The realization hitting him like a ton of bricks. "Shit."

Rushing to slide on his shoes Kaveh bolted out the door. Slamming it behind him. He didn't even have a full plan of what to do, but he knew one person to count on.

"Please be home." Kaveh prayed under his breath.

——• • •——

Knock, knock, knock.

"Cyno, darling can you please answer the door?" Tighnari called out from his office.

"Sure blossom." Cyno yelled back. Tighnari listened to the sound of his footsteps leave the living room and go to the front door. He heard Cyno answer the door.

"Kaveh?" Cyno eyed the disheveled blonde boy on his porch.

"No time to talk!" Kaveh pushed past the tan man in front of him. "Is Tighnari here?"

"Yeah. He's down the hall in his office." He pointed down the hall just as Tighnari walked out into the doorway of his office. "Is everything ok?" Cyno looked visibly worried.

"Yeah—no, I don't know yet. I need his help!" Kaveh didn't let himself finish his sentence before sprinting down the hall to meet Tighnari.

"Woah, woah." Tighnari gently placed his hands on Kaveh's shoulders. "Slow down. Take a deep breath."

Kaveh paused and took a deep inhale of oxygen.

"Now tell me what's got you so worked up." Tighnari let go of his shoulders.

"Todays my mom's birthday. I forgot. I haven't ever forgotten before." Tears welled up in his ember eyes. Burning like wildfire.

"Oh dear, I don't think we can send anything this late, it'll take at least another week before it arrives." Tighnari crosses his arms and thinks. "Come in my office we'll think of something."

Kaveh follows Tighnari into his office. The room was filled with wildlife, plants covered the walls and shelves. The greenery was immaculate.

"I never noticed how much you loved plants." Kaveh chuckles taking in the room.

"Really? Cyno always brings wild flowers back when he goes on assignments." Tighnari grabs a water jug and walks over to a pot filled with padisarah flowers. He inspects the leaves and pours a couple of drops of water into the soil.

Just roommates..? (KavehxAlhaitham) Where stories live. Discover now