Pain is beauty

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Kaveh had always been hardheaded when it came to asking others for help. Not just because of his pride, but more so because he didn't want to 'burden' others with his issues. He could usually find his own way around things anyway. Even if it came at the cost of pain. Kaveh found a sense of comfort in his dysfunctional ways. He learned to wallow in the warm embrace of his slow descent into darkness. And take each finishing blow in stride and confidence. Never faulting, or straying away from his bubbly personality.

——• • •——

Gasping in pain Kaveh heaved himself off the ground. Pushing himself up to his knees and forcing his body to stand onto his legs. Grabbing at the side of his abdomen. The burning pain heating his whole side. He looked up from his feet, staring daggers from between his bangs at the gang of fatui in front of him.

Normally, defeating the group would be no problem. But he was just recovering from exhausting himself at the Interdarshan Championship. His body was still weak, and in need of more rest. It was like every step he took his body screamed out in agony. Pleading for him to stop.

But no, Kaveh wouldn't allow himself to go down without a fight. He lunged forward at the largest man out of the group. Tightly wrapping his hands around the handle of his brief case and hurling it towards the man's head with all his might.


The brief case connected to the man's head sending him stumbling backwards falling to the ground and grabbing his jaw in pain. Another smaller man ran up from behind Kaveh and landed a blow to the back of his legs causing him to collapse.

"SHIT-" Kaveh exclaimed half surprised, half distress. He crawled away and jumped back to his feet, spinning around and throwing the brief case at a man who was running towards him. He put up his fist and punched the man who was behind him in the throat then the chest. Upper cutting him, then pulling him closer by his shoulders and kneeing him in the groin. Tossing him aside to face the larger man approaching him.

Kaveh distinctively put his hands up and blocked his face as the man began pounding away at him. Distracted by the man beating away at him, Kaveh didn't noticed the other man sneaking up on the side, jabbing him in the side with a sharp dagger. Kaveh screamed out in pain, his head reeling back in agony as he stumbled backwards and falling onto his knees. Holding his side trying to stop the rushing blood.

Too tired to fight back he laid motionless on the ground, curling into a ball and bracing for the impact. The men surrounded him and struck him with their feet. The beating seemed to go on for hours. Eventually Kaveh passed out from the pain, and blood loss.

                                  ——• • •——

"Kaveh...Kaveh? Kaveh! KAVEH!" A familiar voice yelled out. Kaveh batted his eyes open, ringing in his ears. Everything was blurring, it felt like he was staring down a long dark tunnel. He blinked a couple more times. He could feel warm, firm hands shaking him awake.

He opened his eyes and looked up. Alhaitham? It was Alhaitham. He was in his arms. Why did he look so worried? Kaveh had never seen him like this. He looked terrified, like a deer in headlights. Tears were brimming hanging at the edge of his waterline. His hand slowly made its way to Kaveh's cheeks. Cupping them in his palms he pulled him close and embraced him. Pulling him away and furrowing his eyebrows.

"What were you thinking? What didn't you try to get help?" He asked, his voice was corse and shaking. Alhaitham's long grey bangs hanging in-front of his eyes. Kaveh couldn't tell if he was concerned or angry.

"I..." Kaveh stuttered out. "I was scared... I didn't want to bother anyone.." He looked away from him. Ashamed with himself for not being strong enough.

"Bother? Bother! What do you mean bother? What did you think you were doing? Saving everyone a trip by dying? Oh yeah real smart Kaveh. Just go off and get yourself killed. Like it wouldn't drive me insane if anything happened to you!" His voice was weak. His whispers sounded more like screams. But his voice was going in and out so much it was barely auditable. Tears streamed down his face and he pulled Kaveh closer and wrapped his arms around him.

Kaveh reached a hand up and grasped his cheek. Smiling weakly. "It's not as bad as it looks. Pain is beauty after all." He said with a chuckle.

"Not as bad as it looks? Kaveh you're bleeding out! What is wrong with you! Why do you always do this? You destroy yourself and act like it's nothing! It's not nothing! I hate it, I can't stand watching it! You have this constant feeling as if you need to suffer to be worthy of anything! And you don't. You—you just don't." He muttered the last part under his breath. Sounding more disturbed and worried than anything.

Kaveh frowned, not wanting to accept his destructive behavior to be true. Kaveh always thought that in the most chaotic and toxic moments there were these glimmering glimpse of glamorous beauty. But maybe it was just delusions he had feed himself for so long, that he tricked himself into believing they were true. One thing was for sure. He didn't like seeing Alhaitham this way. And he hated being the reason for it.

"I'm sorry." Was all he could manage to say. He had no words. No explanation, nothing. Just 'I'm sorry.' He knew he couldn't offer up a better response. So he just wrapped his arms around him and stared off into the distance as Alhaitham's muffled cries repeated in his brain over and over again. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. I'll change. I promise. I'll be better."

Kaveh mumbled. "I promise." He whispered in his ear and brushed back his hair. "But right now, I need to go to Cyno's and tighnari's im still bleeding out." He chuckled, even now he managed to find humor in the gruesome situation.

Alhaitham looked up as if the thought just dawned on him. He scooped Kaveh up in his arms, and rushed over and grabbed his brief case. It was in that moment that Kaveh took in the scene that was left before him. There was blood everywhere the gang of men sprawled out. Alhaitham had beaten them inches within death—in fact Kaveh could barely tell they were breathing. How angry had he been? Was it because the men had hurt him? Did he really care this much?

The golden boy's face heated up from the thought. Blush creeping up his cheeks. He shook his head, swatting away the idea. There was no possible way. Alhaitham was just being a concerned friend. That was all...right?


Just roommates..? (KavehxAlhaitham) Where stories live. Discover now