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A/N- I need to slowly get back into the writing game, and what better way than one shots?

"Hazza?" Louis called out as he walked into his best friends house. Louis and Harry had known each other since the day little Hazzaboo and his family moved in next door, when both boys were only three. They quickly became close and were hardly ever seen without the other at his side. They had just finished their sophomore year of high school and were more than eager to spend more time together.

"Loui?!" Harry sobbed out. He quickly ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time. He'd never heard Harry cry before. Harry had always said that it made him feel weak.

"Hazza?! Are you okay?!" Louis panted when he made it inside Harry's room. Harry was on his bed, curled into a ball as his whole body shook, silent tears making their way down his face. "Oh god, Harry, babe, what happened?" Louis silently cooed as he carefully made his way next to Harry.


"What about him? Are you two okay?" Harry and Zayn had been dating for two years now, and the two seemed more in love than Romeo and Juliet had.

"H-he was.. The whole time.. Oh god.." Harry sobbed out.

"What? Hazza, you have to explain more. I don't understand," Louis gently said, moving Harry's hair out of his face.

"Zayn and-and Liam were.. They were.."

"They were what, baby? What happened?"

"They were fucking! This whole time! Zayn has been fucking Liam behind my back!" Harry yelled out, his face red with anger. "The whole time Lou! I mean nothing to him! Nothing. I'm nothing. I'm worthless and fat and-and ugly and I'm not worth a dime!" He choked out.

"Hazza, babe, no. Look at me," Louis demanded, causing Harry to look at him. "You are worth so much. So much that anyone who even knows you is lucky. Anyone who-who gets the chance to speak to you has been blessed. You know that. I love you so much, and I'll go and have a sit down with the sluts if you want me to. I-" but the rest of his sentence was cut off when a pair of soft, plump lips were on his own. Harry's lips moved carefully against Louis, silently begging him to kiss back. Louis was more than happy to oblige. He kissed Harry like it would take away all the pain, all the heartache and tears that he spent on Zayn. Zayn, who Louis never liked in the first place, but tolerated him for Louis' sake.

"Louis," Harry breathed out when they pulled away.

"I know Harry. I know. Don't worry, I'll take away all the pain. It's okay," Harry breathed. "I'll take care of you," he promised as he leaned in again, kissing Harry's jaw, sucking purple bruises on his neck. "You're so beautiful," he breathed against Harrys heated skin. "So stunning and I can't believe how utterly talented and amazing and sexy you are."

"Louis, please," Harry begged. "Make it go away. Help me."

"Take off your shirt, okay?" Louis gently asked, watching as Harry shakily lifted his shirt up and off of him, letting Louis see his toned chest. He'd seen Harry shirtless before, lots of times. But this was different. This time Harry was crying and shaking, and he wanted Louis to make him feel better. Needed Louis to make him forget. Louis kissed down Harrys neck to his chest, biting until the younger boy grimaced in pain, then kissing over the mark. "I love seeing you marked up like this. Love knowing that it's from me."

"L-Louis, please."

"Pants, love. Take off your pants," Louis said, getting off the bed and taking his shirt off as Harry struggled to take off his pants. "We don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Just tell me when and I promise you, I will stop.

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