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It was the summer before my first year in high school and I decided to spend the first day of it with my friends from the lacrosse team. Which was a mistake, because my friends are stupid.

"Can I get decaf latte please?" I asked the cashier.

"Are you sure you want a decaf? You look like shit."

"Excuse me?"

"You have bags under your eyes and your hair is a mess."

"You know what, forget the damn drink. Fuck you," I said to the blue eyed freak with a mess of black hair pushed up into a hat. "Guys, let's get out of here!" I called out as I made my way out of the coffee shop.


It was the last day of my junior year when I met the blue eyed freak again. This time, he was on the lacrosse field wearing a purple shirt that hugged his body just right with a pair of tight black skinny jeans. I didn't recognize him, not at first, mostly because he wasn't wearing his work clothes and he was about a foot taller than I was. At first I thought that he was here for another member, until he looked at me and waved. I slowly walked over to him, earning a few glares and questioning glances.



"Uh, hello. Can I help you?"

"Do you remember me?"

"Yes, you're the fucker who insulted me when I went to get a drink."

"Yeah, that's me. But, I waited for you to come back. You never did."

"I- I don't take kindly to people insulting me when I'm trying to buy coffee. Sorry."


"How the fuck do you know my name? Hmm? Are you stalking me?" I accused, walking closer to him.

"What? No! God, no. I just happen to know where you live and-"

"Oh my god, you stalker!" I yelled, punching him on the nose. "You stay away from me," I threatened when he fell to the ground, his hand covering his nose. "You stay away form me, or so help me-"

"John, calm down. Jesus man," Greg called out. "He's never talked to anyone before. Literally. You need to calm down and-"

"You know him?" I asked, astounded.

"I know his older brother. I've known him for years, and I've never seen him talk. Ever. Sherlock, are you okay?" He asked, helping the boy up. "Let me see your nose?"

"And what are you going to do? Interrogate it until it gets better?" Sherlock growled.

"Let me look at it," I sighed out, reaching towards Sherlock. "I'm trying to be a doctor. I've taken a lot of medical classes. Let me see," I nodded towards Sherlock. He slowly walked towards me, uncovering his nose when I reached my hands towards his face. His nose was already turning a dark shade of purple, but it wasn't broken. He was bleeding quite heavily, but he didn't seem to mind. "Here, come with me to the restroom. Let me stop your bleeding."

"I don't mind," Sherlock whispered.

"Go with him, Sherlock. You know your brother would be upset if you ruined another shirt," Greg said, running his hand through his hair. Sherlock reluctantly agreed, walking towards the bathroom. I followed him, waiting until the door was closed before talking to him again.

"So, why have you been following me?"

"It's an experiment," he shrugged like it was the most obvious explanation.

"Experiment for what?"

"Just, fix my nose."

"Right. Fix the nose of my stalker. Now I can finally check this off my bucket list," I said sarcastically, walking towards him. I grabbed a paper towel and began to carefully wipe away the blood.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2016 ⏰

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