Chapter 4- Getting to Know the Stranger and kidnapped!! Part 2

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Serena's POV.

I woke to the pounding in my head; it felt like someone was literally banging my head with a medal shovel. I gave off a loud whimper, which of course made the banging even worse. I slowly opened my eyes and I was greeted by darkness. I tried to move my legs or arms, but each time was a complete failure and it added to the pain. I couldn't take the pain, it hurt so much.

I didn't understand what was going on, one minute I'm walking to my car to go home and eat a very much need dinner. And then I'm being roughly dragged into a black van, like I'm some kind of uncontrolled animal and drugged. I can't even move a single inch, I can't make a sound, I can't see. I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON!! I've never been this scared, this alone. I mean I have been alone, I took care of myself, feed myself, I did everything by myself! No one was there to help me, so tell me why...... WHY DO I FEEL SO SCARED SO ALONE.... WHY?!!

For the first time in nearly eleven years I cried, I cried so much. I've held all the pain inside me for so long, and now it is all pouring out. I try to stop it, I clinch my fists, and my finger nails digging into my palm making them bleed. I bite my tongue so hard, that I feel blood soaking into the gang. But no matter what i do, no matter how much I try, I can't stop the tears from coming. I can't stop this burning feeling in my chest. My heart feels like it's being ripped inside out, like there is some kind hole in my chest making it hard for me to breath. Wh-whats going on, why do I feel like this, like something is missing? LIKE SOMETHING IS DYING INSIDE OF ME!!!

I soon start to choke from all the blood gathering in my mouth, when suddenly blinding lights start to bind me.

"SHIT" I heard someone yell. The man yanked the gang out and some blood came pouring out, he started to untie me. I was so tired and still hurting, but at the same time I was numb, I didn't try to fight as the man grabbed me and pulled my lifeless body onto an old squeaky bed. "Hey get over here; I need to stop the bleeding! Boss will kill us if she dies or gets injured even more!" The said man got some type cloth and starting pressing it against my tongue for about fifteen minutes. "Hey get me some ice hurry!" Then suddenly I was pulled in an upright position and cool water was poured into my mouth. This continued until, I couldn't taste anymore blood. Soon afterwards the cool water replaced by ice. The ice was replaced for about six times.

Then the bleeding stopped and I heard a relieved sigh. Then I heard a voice nearby say "SHIT WE WERE FOLLOWED!"



"Shit" I heard the man mutter, it seemed to be their favorite word. He pulled me into his arms princess style making sure my head was on his shoulder, he started running to what I guessed was the exit. And not a minute later when cool air surrounded us, I heard more gun shots.

But as soon as I heard them, the air got warm and I heard a door close and the engine running. It was then when I started to have enough strength to crack my eyes open. I tried to clear the blurriness, and when I did it seemed like we were in the middle of nowhere.

"Sir we're sorry but it seems we must move there were some complications..... it seems we were followed.....where should I take her.....will you be there sir...yes sir, understood sir....we will make sure that we are not followed this time....positive sir.....we will be there in two and a half hours sir... yes sir. Beep.

The man turned to me and saw that I was awake. He quickly pulled out a cloth and pressed it into my face, this time I didn't resist. I gladly welcomed it, anything to get rid of this hallow feeling was my last thought until I fell into the familiar darkness.

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