Chapter 20- Alice falls in the Rabbit Hole

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Soryu's POV.

We continued until we were almost there before we stopped the car Samejima got in and messed around with the wires underneath the wheel under the instructions of Takuto over the phone. By the time he was done Jin and I already finished getting the plan ready and we were ready to go. 

~Time Skip~

Unknown to the Red Seas, we had sneaked into there territory and had taken control most of it because how shitty their training is. And by and by the car that Jin, Samejima, and I were driving came into our view and Takuto of the Black Foxes had been controlling the car like a electric toy car and its controller. We took refuge in the mountain place of the Red Seas who laid dead around our feet. I slowly analyzed the area of the ground and started looking at where each and every mafioso was located and my eye caught a moment in the corner of it. I look to the right and gestured to Jin who stood besides me. And we both followed the movement of Giichi Tomiichi, who was dragging Serena across the landscape and holding her. I noticed some movements as he spoke to her, but made no movement as to not ruin the plan. 

Then soon the vehicle came into view as Giichi gave the order of fire. And all of the Red Seas and some of the Red Eyed and Ice Dragons fired at the empty car until it burst into flames. All the while Jin and I waited for an opening to shoot at Giichi and when we where just about to, suddenly a loud heart fell scream echoed before my girl fainted and Giichi caught her and twisted in a way where if either of us shot Serena may get shot also, even more so when the rain and fog made our eyes misty.  

But then Giichi ordered her away and just to be safe we both agreed silently to wait until Serena was in the car before things get reckless. During this time my phone vibrated and Riki's voice rang out loud and clear. The debt of the Black foxes was no more, we helped them, and now they helped us, their business is done and no more. 

Throughout this entire phone call I watched Serena being carried/dragged away far from the burning car and into what seemed like a different one and I could not take my eyes off her as pain and worry double crossed my heart until, 

"HEY! ARE YOU LISTENING TO US!?" Suddenly the brat, Takuto's voice rang out much to my displeasure "WE DID OUR PART NOW WE OWE YOU GUYS NOTHING!!!! CLEAR!! I mentally scoff at his childish behavior before answering "It's done" and with that I shut the phone call and took off the safety of my gun and aimed. Once Serena was in 2 shoots rang out and landed dead center of 2 of Giichi's men that that were near him. One from the Ice Dragons and one from the Red Eyes, both declaring war on the Red Seas. Not that there is much of a battle in them to be worth anything. 

That was the signal for the Red Eyes, Ice Dragons, and Red Seas to begin the war. Jin and I stayed there trying to shoot Giichi down only for him to enter the car Serena was in and to speed away. Quickly we ducked when the bullets began to get frenzy. 

I quickly speed dialed Samejima in which he picked up immediately. "Samejima I need you to follow the car-" "Already on it sir." Was his response before Jin began to address me. "Sir, should we follow them threw a different car?" I quickly nodded and asked for Samejima to start directing as to were they were headed only to find out it was Tres Spades. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2016 ⏰

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