Chapter 16- Spending Quality with the Creepy Doctor

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Serena's POV.

Not knowing how to respond, I sat there silently starring at him in frozen shock, with the adrenaline fresh in my pumping blood as I internally began working up a good sweat from it. The man didn't even seem to understand the situation and looked at me as if I, grew a second head. We both just sat there quietly and not a single syllable passed our stilled lips. Though I can't say the same for our eyes as they held question in his, and bewilderment in both mine and his. We just sat there for a moment starring at each other not knowing how to respond. He starring in my eyes, probably checking if I was the sane one here. While I reflected it into his cool blue grey eyes, and for a moment breath taken by the beauty of it. After another moment he finally spoke up.

"Well then... I shall leave you to rest Serena, I'm sure you're still very tired." He said as he looked at me with calculating eyes.

"Uh... okay?" I responded, knowing that I truly needed it and the sooner I got it the sooner I could leave. He nodded and left me alone muttering along the way of "such a shame", "I was looking forward to having a closer look", and how I quote.. "lovely they were". Ummmm.... yeah I think I was be leaving as soon as I can move, even if I still have some protesting muscles to spare. Before I even know it, sleep ensnared me within its grasp once more as I fell into the oh so familiar darkness again.




I awoke not to the stray of sunlight nor the chirping of birds and that could have been the cause because it was still dark outside. But of course that was not the source of what had awoken me, it was the heavy impact and the sounds of crashing and metal that had awoken me with a surprised gasp and widened eyes. I sat there for a moment in mid-shock before jumping to me feet only to fall down from the dizziness and pain on the bottom of my feet. My head hit sharp edge of the beds corner, but luckily it wasn't a too heavy impact that could have driven in into unconsciousness once more. But it did not prevent the warm liquid from sliding down my face. I grabbed the bed as much as I could before I pulled or at least tried to pull myself to my feet.

My legs had grown numb from probably not moving them for a while, and then there was the fever, and probably sore legs. I saw that my feet had been wrapped in bandages; it took me a moment to remember the condition of it when I was running away from my kidnappers. But what surprised me most was that after a few minutes of sitting down and finally being able to stand back up with less struggle, was that the bottom of my feet didn't hurt as much as I believed it would. Frowning I remembered back how much it hurt to even take a few steps before I nearly collapse in pain. But not wanting to puzzle over this too long my curiosity took the better part of me and was eager to find the source of what had awakened me.

I opened the door and followed the hallway out, using the walls as support. When I came to what was another room, I saw the legs of someone that had fallen down. I took a better look and noticed it was that Luke guy who had helped me. Without a second thought I rushed to his side as fast as I could manage and sat beside him looking and his pale sickened face. I gently slapped his cheek in attempt to awake him and was given the gift of relief when his groaned in protest. I sighed as I felt the heavy weight leave my chest along with it giving me the chance to breathe normally. I gently patted his cheek once again in attempt to fully awaken him. It took a while but he awoke and looked at me with puzzled eyes. And all the while I just sat there quietly throughout this whole process.

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