Chapter 12- Eyes so Similar Yet so Different

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Soryu's POV.





"Well if it isn't John Marker our dear, dear beloved friend." My grandfather said with a happy yet a low threatening tone as he glared at the crazy old sleazebag, his eyes promising death and his smile promised the enjoyment in doing so.

I looked to my right where John stood completely frozen as I held my little kitten close to me as she shook in confusion and fear.

"MMmmm....rr....errr.......*cough* Mr. Oh, strange to see you he-!"

"Don't play me Marker, I have more impotent things to do than come chasing your useless pathetic ass. I am going to give you one chance to explain yourself Marker and it better be good." My grandfather did everything but spit out his words as he looked at this douche bag in hate and disgust.

John sighed in relief as he opened his mouth but no words came out before another gun shot rang out...... Three seconds passed as John finally unfroze and dropped to his knees hard on the rocky concrete ground as blood rushed out of his mouth. I made sure that my little angle didn't see such a sight as I pressed her further into my chest. 

John slowly grasped his stomach as blood flooded out of it as he raised his head and look to my grandfather in plea, pain, and anguish but no words came out because we all knew that was useless.

"Time to say good bye Marker, I never really liked you anyways." As he said that with his usual cold mask he shot John perfectly in the middle of his forehead. It was then I noticed that the sweet girl I was holding in my arms was trembling violently and having an anxiety attack. Her breaths were coming in short and cut air, it's like she was shaking from inside out. She wasn't breathing normally and she was so silent about it that I didn't notice until her trembling grew even stronger and much more violently than before. How could I not see this before, I thought that she was just scared but from her level of attack I see now it's much more than that. She looks like she's ready to break any moment, like if someone disturbed her walls any longer or even a scratch...... she'd forever be a broken child. 

Slowly her short cut breaths got even shorter than before and I didn't know what to do. In all my mafia life I've never witnessed such a mental, emotional, and physical breakdown. Her jewel like eyes slowly lost it's sparkle and became shadow like. It had almost no color even though you could see her purple yet blue eyes clearly. The strong spirit I saw before now gone with the cool wind blowing past us. It's like the wind went through her body and snatched her strong courage filled soul that saved me now is gone and replaced by an empty shell that had cracks of all shapes and sizes. The scratches on it severed as scars each deeper than the other, longer, wider or and even had holes. Many holes and one is like a black hole and it's different from your normal black hole. 

This one is Large and taking up and circling all the negative around her. That black hole was her pupil, and her other pupil was sucking up as much hope as it could and is searching for something, .....anything to assure it's owner that there is hope in the world. But each and every time seems to be a fail because those black holes seem to be filled with something bitter..... Salt is bitter and she has seemed to have face many bitter humans and her innocent young life. Too sour for my tastes. 

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