Chapter 2- Someone Must Really Hate Me Up There.

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Serena's POV.

...Beep beep...beep beep... beep bee-*smack* .......*sigh* I opened my eyes to see that it's 8:30 am.......8:30 shot I'm late! I jumped out of bed or well tried to, unfortunately my feet got tangled with the bed sheets and fell, and you guess it....face down.-. Way to start a day right? Geez, I got up and ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower and brushed my teeth while doing so. Kinda weird huh, well guess what? When your late almost every day, let's just say that you gotta do what you gotta do okay.

I jumped out of the shower, nearly slipping on my butt in the process. I rushed out and pulled on some high waist shorts, a plaid print button closure red high dress. A pair of socks and sneakers, along with a white rose shaped earrings, and blue and gold bangles. I left my hair down with a headband in my hair and I grabbed my book bag, phone and my skull candy earphones, and literally sprinted of the apartment. Hey you gotta admit that's a pretty cute combo with only having fifteen minutes.

Oh yeah I forgot to introduce myself, my names Serena Sumiko Howl I'm twenty years old. I'm majoring in cooking and in baking; obviously I want to become a chef, why? Well I like to cook and bake very much and to discover new things like spices, sweets, dishes and more! I mean the possibilities are endless when it comes to cooking and baking. I also like bringing smiles to people's faces which makes me feel better than anything else. Anyways I was left at the door step of the orphanage when I was only a few hours old, with only my name written on a piece of paper besides me.

Later as I grew up, no one would adopt me and I was in the constant attention of bullies. So yeah not exactly the best childhood or the worst, I mean there a people worse than me so I have no right to complain. I mean I had Mrs. Shells next to me, she was always there to support me and make me my favorite foods and sweets, and it was because of her I decided to become a chef. Her love for children and her creativity when it came to baking and sometimes food too!

Sometimes when I would cry from all the harsh words and behavior, I'd run to her and she'll cage me in her arms in a warm embrace and I'll just cry and let it all out. And she'll sing me a sweet lullaby, and sometimes she lured me to sleep while doing so in her embrace. Hey! Don't blame me, I was like five, six years old, kids needs lots of sleep okay! Anyways besides that, I'd help her in cooking and we baked lots of sweets it was so fun! I had learned so much from her, she was the motherly figure in my eyes.

On time I let it slip when we were cooking together for the children in the orphanage, I called her mom accidentally when I asked if I chopped the carrots correctly. She started to tear up and she hugged smiled at me when I started apologize. She said it was okay to call her mother, that day was the happiest day in my life as a child. After that day I called her mother every day and she'll smile every time I did so. She inspired me every day, and every day I wanted to like her more and more. That gentle smile, warm hugs, always knowing what to do in the most complicated situations, I have no idea how though, amazing kitchen skills, and so much more.

To put it simply, I loved and love her, but sadly you can't always get what you want, I learned this the hard way. About ten and a half years ago Mrs. Shell died in a car accident with her husband. That day Mrs. Shells and her husband were supposed to adopt me, that day was one of the most horrible days of my life. I was dressed and packed up with Mr. Teddy in my arms; I was sitting on the door step of the orphanage where my parents left me. I remember sitting there and at some point falling asleep, when the cops came and carried me inside and said the same words that I can't forget in my entire life. I remember it loud in clear like it was happening it right in front of me again.

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