Kissing up

51 3 2
  • Dedicated to Life and all it's BS

'"Oh this is rich," I muttered under my breath.  Biting back a laugh, I snapped the first shot of Holden Carson and Serena Bush...kissing! I'd heard the quote "Love is blind" but this was just fucking ridiculous! My mom had once told me that I shouldn't judge people; the only solid, as well as hypocritical, piece of advice she'd ever given me. And I wasn't going to judge them; I lift the camera to the crack. I was just going to make sure, they made sure others didn't judge them, by making them do what I want. I snapped another photo.

 Groaning internally as the photo popped up on the digital screen; it was so dark all that could be seen was the shadow of a couple making out.  

What to do? What to do? I contemplated, and it was then that a light bulb blinked above my head. I flipped the tiny metallic switch on the camera and lifted the device once more. Mentally and physically preparing myself for the onslaught that would barricade down on me once I clicked the shutter. I inhaled deeply. Exhaled deeper.   The flash blared as bright as the sun, blinding even me. Not having the time to blink away the dark spots in my vision I dashed towards the nearest door.

"Fuck" I muttered, rattling the doorknob. It wouldn't budge. Wasting no time, I moved on to the next one, in my rush to get a picture I hadn't thought of an escape plan! I rushed to the next door; same outcome. Third time lucky , I thought as I charged at the third mahogany door.   

I tumbled onto the rich carpet, my head snapped up and I scanned the area. For two seconds I felt the thrill the CIA must feel everyday. It was exhilarating. I kicked the door closed with my foot before getting up. The sound of rushing water blasted in the background but was overpowered by chainsaw snoring . Gripping the camera in a tight fist, I glided further into the room. 

SLAM. My heart stopped. My head whipped towards the door. "I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!" Holden screamed from the other side of the door. A colourful array of curses shortly followed. Had he seen me?   Following the deep snores I walked quickly towards the first bed. Another slam at the door. Was he trying to break it down? Another bang at the door... Maybe he was.

I looked in on the first bed. Bruno was sprawled on the king-sized bed, the sheets twisted around his long limbs he looked...innocent. Today really is a day of new experiences, I thought with a light smile. Holden shouldered the door again. Panic raced through my blood, effecting every part of me; beads of sweat trickled down the back of my neck, my hands were shaking, my eyes were darting left right and centre and I was biting my lip so hard I could taste my own blood. But through all of that my survival instincts still managed to come through. Hide, my mind screamed.  

My body on autopilot I scanned the room, trying to find a suitable place to hide, when I noticed that it was silent. Apart from the diegetic sounds within the room Holden was no longer trying to push his way in. Alarm bells vibrated in my head, something was up. Swallowing hard I dropped to the ground and crawled over to the door. Squinting, I pressed my face to the carpet and looked through the crack under the door. "Are you sure there's a problem sir?" The unknown person asked, the English accent thick with fatigue. Oh no, "Oh yes, these boys tend to slip out in the night. I do this every time" Holden replied joyfully. "Shit" I squeaked, I ran for the bathroom door.  

The door opened with ease. The entire en suite was wrapped in a milky mist of condensation that smelt heady and masculine. A baritone voice mumbled tunelessly, the sound intermingling to the crashing of water. Squinting through the mist I felt my way around the bathroom looking for a place to hide.  

"See!" I heard Holden exclaim, "One of them is missing" he continued. There going to come in here next! The door open and without a second thought I raced forward and jumped into the shower.   "What the," I clamped my free hand onto Kieran's mouth.

"Kieran you in here?" Holden called.

"Please" I mouthed and slowly un-prising  my fingers from his mouth.

"Uhm yeah" he replied turning away from me and popping his head past the shower curtain.   I choked a gasp, you only think about the consequences of your action until they stared you right in the face. In this case it was seeing Kieran's bare butt in my face that did it. I averted my eyes but not before I saw him catch me checking it out.

"Don't turn around." I whispered. He smirked,

"Baby," he teased but thankfully he didn't. "Are they...?" he nodded in response .

"Gone, yeah...Don't look down" he warned before turning around, my eyes never left his.   He smiled. A real smile not one of his infuriating smirks and it changed his face completely, it made him glow. Ugh don't start getting sentimental I chastised myself.

"Now as delightful as you are, Abby why are you in my shower?" Kieran raised a brow at me and leaned in close. Nothing in his stance screamed, I'm going to kiss you; but a girl can dream right? "Well?" he inquired pressing his forehead to mine.  

Sorry for leaving it late, the ending's a little crappy batter me with comments if you want I'm just having some issues at the moment. I plan on finishing this story, I REFUSE TO PUT IT ON HOLD. This Chapter is dedicated to life and all the stupid BS it throws at you because right now I have been getting a chockfull of the crap life has to offer so please...cut me some slack. I love you guys, don't forget that. And read Dani3lla's story she's awesome on Wattpad and in person so do it now :3 She loves 1D as much as y'all and because she's British like moi she knows what he's talking about...London isn't the only place in the UK people haha Lol.  Also that insanely pretty model is who I thought would most look like Coda and you guys seem to love her so there she is :D Byee x

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