Part 3

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Imogen's pov

It's the party that I ended up pregnant. After a chat with Karen and Kelly about getting more beer I'm off to find Greg to see if he will get us some. On my way to find Greg I pass Tabby and Chip coming into the party.

Noa's pov

Im at this stupid party with Shawn. I don't feel like partying, Shawn and I aren't the same since I went to juvie and he won't accept that. He brings me a drink over and I try to say to him to go hang with his friends but he doesn't. I should be happy my boyfriend wants to spend time with me but all I'm doing is thinking about her.

Imogen's pov

I finally find Greg up the stairs coming out of the toilet. "Greg finally, Karen wants you to do a beer run" he's buttoning up his pants "Jesus, can't a guy take a piss?" How attractive. "You know what Karen's like when she wants something" I say standing opposite him. "You know what I want, I want Karen to be more like you" ok this is awkward "your just such a good person Imogen" he's coming closer to me now. I'm walking backwards away from him unsure of what's happening. After my weird encounter with Greg I come down the stairs to find Karen who looks pissed "you kissed my fucking boyfriend" oh god "no that's so not what happened". Kelly then comes over "Imogen, I saw you together" I turn round in disgust "what you saw, was Greg kissing me". Oh here's the piece of shit "baby, she's drunk, I pushed her off it's fine" is he blaiming me "no! No Karen he kissed me" he's not pinning this on me after he just kissed me up the stairs and I pushed him off. "Get the fuck out of my house you slut" Karen shouts in my face with everyone watching. I can feel the tears starting to brim in my eyes so I turn round and leave.

End of flashback

Imogen PoV

Yey day 2 of detention. We are all sat around the table and I'm filling them in on the night I had my fight with Kelly and Karen. The night we stopped being friends. Noa brought up how Tabby was there with Chip and how she thought that Chip was Tabby's boyfriend "he's more like my gay best friend who happens to be straight". "Well I was there with my boyfriend, happily with my boyfriend and not thinking of anyone else" Noa says avoiding looking at me, weird. I can see why Hayden liked Noa, she's a pretty bad ass, she's 100% Hayden's type. But Noa is clearly loved up with Shawn and Hayden is dating Brooke. After further chat about the party I drop the bomb iv been holding "there's a video of that night, that someone made on their phone of Karen, which, if people saw, it would destroy her". "Is it a sex video?" I turn to Faran "no, I would never. Not a sex video". Tabby then says "if we didn't want to post it and it's not a sex video then I could screen it at the Orpheum". "Ok can we see the video?" Faran asks me "I gave it to Hayden, to hide at our old house, so nobody could find it". "Your old house? Ok let's go find your sexy sister and go find it" Faran says whilst standing up, I notice Noa's face scrunch up. "Please stop calling my sister sexy, it's bad enough everyone literally eye fucks her wherever we go" I say and we all get up and leave detention.

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