Part 20

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Hayden's PoV

I left my phone at home today, that way I have an excuse to why I didn't reply to noa. It makes no sense to me that Shawn was just at her house. She also clearly lied to me about being unwell when she had Shawn over. I'm walking into school with Imogen who clearly knows somethings up with her repeatedly asking me "Hayden what's wrong?". I stand at my locker punching in the code to put my bag away. Thankfully most of today I have music and free periods so I can go pretty much incognito for the rest of the day till I figure out what's going on with my girlfriend. "For the last time Imogen there's nothing wrong, I'm going to class and at lunch handing this goddamn baby back to Brooke" I wave the robo baby in the air. My sister who is slowly rocking hers clearly disapproves of my behaviour with the robot. "Come on this is you done with it as of lunchtime stop being such a baby yourself" she points at me as I close my locker holding the baby by the head. "Bye Imogen" I smile walking away from her swinging the robot baby back and forth by the head "Hayden I swear to god".

Noas PoV

There's too much going on in my mind right now. Trying to help Imogen and tabby whilst also dealing with Hayden disappearing of the face of the earth. She hasn't replied to any of my messages and honestly it's starting to get to me. After speaking with Imogen and tabby this morning I decided to go and see Shawn at his football practice. I told them my plan of talking to Shawn about them being raped but gave them the choice on if I could name them or not. They both agreed to being named and asked for a full report when I was back. As I'm walking to the football field I can't help but feel a bit lost and downhearted by the ghosting Hayden's giving me. "Hey Shawn can I talk to you?" I ask him whilst he stands with all the other football boys. "Oooo noa come to your senses and dropping Hayden for our boy Shawn here?" Greg instantly disgusts me as he start wiggling his eyebrows. "Not that it's any of your god damn business but no ... Shawn please" I turn away from Greg to Shawn who nods and points towards the bleachers. After telling Shawn all about Imogen and tabby he looks genuinely shocked "holy shit. That's horrible". Shawn's a decent guy, he's just not the one for me so I know he will try to help us " I know , and Shawn, both of these attacks happened at after parties where there were a bunch of football players. I hate to even ask but could any of them have done it?" I look at him seeing his face turn angry "what? No, no way". Sometimes I think Shawn might be different but at the end of the day he's a guy, how defensive he just got about his football bros infuriates me. "I'm telling you noa , these guys yeah they're crass. Yeah they are a lot but ... none of them would do that" I shake my head because of course he would defend them. "Thanks Shawn. See you around" I reply grabbing my bag "Noa why are you angry with me? I thought we were making progress?". I stand up as he stays seated, slinging my bag over my shoulder "we are Shawn, we are friends but I'm going to find my girlfriend now".

Walking into the canteen I hope to see Hayden but of course she's not at the table. "Ash have you seen Hayden today?" I demanded, placing my hands down on the table looking at him. He worriedly looks up at me as he scooches closer to mouse "em ... no noa I haven't seen her since yesterday" I then turn to Imogen "why is your sister avoiding me?" I move round Faran to sit opposite Imogen and Tabby. "I don't know, she's been in weird form since yesterday" Imogen replies whilst placing some fries in her mouth. "She's literally disappeared she's not even replying to my messages" I groan cupping my face in my hands. "Did you's fall out last night? Have an argument?" Tabby looks at me like I should be seeing the obvious. "I didn't see Hayden last night" I groan finding it more and more confusing. "Well something must have happened after she got you your soup" wait what? I look up at tabby confused as she bites into her sandwich. "What do you mean?" "When we got home Hayden said you weren't feeling well, she left us with the robot baby and went to get you some soup... I also asked her to get us a Chinese but then she came back home ... with your soup" I look at Imogen who nods along with what tabby's saying. "Hayden didn't come to mine with soup" I look at both girls, then looking back at me confused. "That makes no sense" tabby huffs taking another bite of her burger. "When she came back she went straight to our room and basically went to sleep" Imogen looks puzzled and deep in thought "then this morning she was so quiet, I kept asking her what was wrong but she just would down play the whole thing". "Ok so there's clearly something wrong with my girlfriend and Iv no idea where the hell she ... wait ..." I start to panic " you don't think A has anything to do with this? I mean after Tyler ... no" my breathing is picking up. I look to Imogen who now looks as worried as I am. The canteen door then swings open as Hayden walks in, she walks over to our table and sits beside Imogen. Ok I'm a little hurt she didn't sit beside me especially when there's an empty seat "babe where have you been?". "Music" is all she replies as she steals a fry off Imogen's plate. "Why haven't you been answering my texts?" I push again hoping for her to at least look at me "my phones at home". I lean forward stealing the fry from her hand making her look at me, she looks hurt and disappointed but I don't know why. "What's happened? Talk to me" I'm that desperate to sort this out with Hayden that I kinda forget that actually we have an audience with the girls and ash sitting here. "Why so you can lie to me again? I mean that's all the five of you do is lie to me" she stares me down as my head drops to the ground. "You three lying to me hurts but you two ..." she points to Imogen and I " ... you two constantly lying to me is just disappointing and honestly I'm fed up of it" she stands up from the table and walks towards the exit. "Ash go after her" mouse pushes Ash up so he can run after Hayden as we all sit for a moment processing what's just happened.

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