Part 25

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Noas PoV

I haven't seen Hayden in days. And after hearing what happened last night I just want to be with her right now. Imogen says Hayden has to go to the doctors today and see if she's broken her hand. I should have been there instead of sitting watching my mom. I should have been there to help them. "Where's chip now?" I ask still horrified that it was chip all along. "A is back- officially" tabby looks briefly at Imogen before looking at us three. "Oh my god what?" Faran gasps "I thought he was dead?". I want to be here for tabby and Imogen but I also want to be with Hayden. "He showed up at the Orpheum while chip was ... getting beaten to a pulp by Hayden. Chip then ran away and A took off after him" looking at the two girls in front of me I can only imagine how hard this is. Tabby's been betrayed by her best friend and Imogen ... Imogen's been betrayed by someone she liked. "Good. I hope A caught his ass" Faran says whilst looking at tabby. "So now can we get A to knock of sheriff Beasley door?" I look at tabby who replies "well we did tell A that sheriff Beasley raped Angela". I nod and pull out my phone to message Hayden ...

Noa 🌹 - babe you ok? Imogen just told me what happened xxx
Hayden 🛹❤️‍🔥 - hi beautiful, I'm good. Missing you though where you been pretty girl? Xxx
Noa 🌹 - Iv been dealing with stuff. But Iv missed you too. Can I come over after school? I'll be your nurse if you broke your hand xxx
Hayden 🛹❤️‍🔥 - don't tease me Miss olivar. If it's not broken I'll break it myself with that offer xxx
Noa 🌹 - don't you dare 😂 right I'll see you after school babe I love you xxx
Hayden - love you too pretty girl xxx

I smile and go to place my phone back in my pocket when all our phones buzz. Looking round the girls we all look confused and scared. "Oh my god it's from A" Imogen quivers looking at her phone. "Your final round is about to begin. You broke our rule" tabby reads out the message as mouse worriedly interrupts her "ok how does A always know what we're talking about? Does he have the school bugged?". "And what rule?" Faran asks. "If a is punishing the guilty for what happened to Angela Waters wouldn't sheriff Beasley be the guiltiest of them all?" I ask looking at them all. None of us have any clue what's going on anymore. "Someone must be guiltier. Whose left? Who else can talk to us about Angela? Who can give us some insight?" Imogen rants frustratingly. An announcement comes over the school tannoy about paint by principal clanton "if these walls could talk". Imogen has a light bulb moment "that it! It's not who can tell us about Angela it's what. The waters house". Tabby turns to Imogen "that's it. We have to go back and search it for real" "for what?" I ask hating the thought of going back there. "Anything that might help us understand how these pieces fit together" Imogen looks at me "I'm supposed to go see Hayden after school". "Let's go to the house first then go to Hayden. Hayden will still be there when we are done... the house or any clue to finish this might not be" I sigh knowing she's right. The sooner we end this the sooner I can have a normal life.

Hayden's PoV

"Not broken" the doctor comes back into the room with my x ray. "Are you sure?" I ask him slightly disappointed now. "Absolutely miss Addams. Normally a patient is happy when a bone isn't broken but I sense your the opposite?" The doctor smiles as he walks over to me. "Your hands fine but lay off punching walls, do you need any pain medication?" I shake my head no and push myself of the bed. "Thanks doc" I smile walking past her "you're welcome Hayden". Walking out of the clinic I pull out my phone to message noa. A hand comes round my face pressing a cloth against my mouth. As I try to hit and kick this person off me, my phone drops to the ground. Fear takes over as I slowly start to loose consciousness. Then total darkness takes over.

Noas PoV

"Ok so what exactly are we looking for?" Faran asks as we stand outside the waters house. "What we've been looking for since this nightmare started. Clues to As identity, his connection to Angela waters - whatever that might be" Imogen states looking at the house. "What if A is in there?" Mouse asks "only one way to find out". Walking towards the house I feel scared. Something feels wrong. "This place is even creepier during the day" mouse says as we walk into the living room. "I know, but no stone unturned" Imogen looks over her shoulder at us as she walks further in. "Do you think someone else lived here besides Angela and Mrs waters?" Faran asks as I just stand looking around scared to touch anything. "You mean possibly a secret deformed brother no one talks about like in people under the stairs?" Tabby weirdly looks excited about this. "Oh can you not with the horror movie references right now?" I glare at her as she smiles. After a while of searching I notice it's getting dark outside, I should be with Hayden. Just as I'm about to call it quits Imogen gasps as she moves a bit of wood. "What did you find?" Mouse asks her, walking towards her. "Height markings like you do for kids growing up, but... two sets of them" Imogen kneels down looking at the markings. "Both initialled AW" mouse looks at Faran "wait there's more than one Angela waters?". Tabby shouts us to come through to another room... in the room sits a cage. "Look what I found at the back of the cage" she opens up her hand showing us crayons. "What the fuck are crayons going in an animal cage?" I ask looking down at the small metal cage. "Was someone kept in it?" Faran looks at us shocked. "Let's keep looking, we are so close" Imogen instructs heading out of the room. Down in the kitchen Imogen looks under the stove. As she stands up from her knees she's holding a photo "guys check this out". Taking a look at the photo I see two children a boy and a girl. "Tabby's right, what if Angela wasn't an only child. What if she had a ..." before Imogen can finish her sentence our phones buzz again. Rolling my eyes I pull my phone out ... a message from a ... with a picture of the school. The text reading 'time for the trial'. "A is at our school" tabby sighs. "Are we supposed to just go?" Mouse trembles. "Without telling anyone?" I ask instantly thinking of Hayden. Haydens at home and safe. "What choice do we have?" Faran looks at me as our phones buzz again. It's a picture of our moms in the back of a van. "No choice. Ok come on?" Imogen walks towards the door as we all follow behind her.

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