💗𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 1 💗

954 35 96

Rain was coming down fast and hard, pelting the ground below it. The trees around were being blown in the wind, not a single person could be seen in sight, as they had made the smart choice to avoid the rain. However, there was a boy with auburn coloured hair who was unfortunate enough to be out in the storm. He was clutching onto the hood of his red zipper, it wasn't at all waterproof, he was still getting drenched, but it made the attack a little more bearable.

He panted heavily as he ran through the rain, head down as to not get it in his eyes. He stumbled multiple times, almost falling over but quickly regained his balance and continued running. His tight grip on his hood faltering a little the more he ran due to the numbness of his freezing cold fingers.

He had to stop running as he approached a busy road, he looked up so he could watch the traffic, but then saw on the other side of the road, there was a small car park attached to what seemed to be a café-! He was so relieved he smiled a little to himself and huffed out a breath he'd been holding.

As the traffic lights turned red, he ran across the road and into the parking lot. He has never been so happy to see a cafe in his life. He was never really a cafe person-..or a person who ate out for that matter. Though sometimes, he really does enjoy it, this, is one of those times. He sighed as he walked over to the door and pulled it open.

He saw an employee sitting down at a table in the back and eating while watching her phone, she must be in break. His vision directed to the counter, where he saw.. a completely unbothered employee- though to be fair to him, it was raining a storm outside, he probably wasn't expecting customers.

The boy was sitting on the counter, swinging his legs while scrolling on his phone. He seemed to have quite the unique sense of fashion. The girl in the corner had only been wearing a hoodie and leggings underneath her purple apron, but this boy, he had a black long sleeved button up shirt with a.. white spiderweb on one of his shoulders, he had a purple cat hair pin in his hair, which was mauve and curly. He seemed to take great care of his hair, given the fact it was shiny and you could visibly see it was bouncy despite him not moving his head. His belt had a small white cat design on either side of the belt, he could also just barely see underneath the apron to see that the belt buckle was also in the shape of a cat.. maybe he likes cats...? It would be quite ironic if he was a dog person. The thing that was most noticeable though, was probably his eyes, he had round eyes which were a gentle periwinkle colour. Usually, eyes wouldn't stand out to Luke, he couldn't figure out why that boys did, maybe it was the eyeliner? The eyeliner was long, thick and pointy. As well as an additional two smaller wings on the underneaths of his eyes. He also had a lot of piercings, ear piercings to be exact. He could also see that he seemed to have.. lipgloss on..? Though the colour was really natural, so perhaps he had just used Vaseline?

He was different from anyone else he had ever seen. He liked it. He couldn't tell what he liked though, which was bothering him.

He just sighed as he walked up to the counter.

"Uhm..- Excuse me..?"

The boy perked up as he very quickly spun around and jumped off the counter. He bent down behind the counter and Luke could hear noises from underneath, he didn't know what was happening but just stood there patiently.

Suddenly, the boy popped back up again, this time with a small notepad in one hand and a purple pen in the other.

"I'm sorry, I never noticed you come in, what can I do for you?"

His voice, he couldn't help but notice a small hint of an English accent. It was soothing.

"Oh, that's alright! Uh.. May I please just get a tea?"

"Tea? Of course." He responded as he looked down at his notepad and started scribbling in the order.

"How would you like your tea? Sugar? Milk?"

"Just milk is fine, thank you"

He nodded and started scribbling again.

"Are you sitting in or taking away?"

Luke couldn't help but give an awkward smile as he glanced at the glass door.

" ...Sitting in..?" The boy tilted his head.

" ..Seems like the better option right now-"

Luke gave a small nervous chuckle at the employee who just nodded in agreement.

"Alright.. Is there anything else you'd like?"

"Ah- Nono, that's alright, thank you."

He nodded as he twirled the pen in his hand.

"That'll be.. £3.49!" He declared after thinking for a few seconds.

Luke just nodded as he retrieved his wallet from his pocket and got out his card.

The boy noticed so he got the card reader and pressed a few buttons before sliding it over to Luke who hovered the card of the reader to pay.

Once the transaction was approved the boy took back the card reader.

"Go take a seat, I will bring you your drink shortly."

Before Luke could even say thank you, the boy had turned around and grabbed a teacup. So he just turned around to sit down at a small table by the window, at first, he was watching the rain pour, but then he began paying attention to the windows reflection. I'm the reflection, he could see the boy who was working on making the tea for Luke...He looked.. pretty..Really pretty-..

Though then, in almost an instant, the boys personality changed as the machine seemingly broke down. He became pretty passed and started to practically slap the living shit out of the machine..he must have a short temper..- he saw the woman from earlier come into view in the reflection as she shoved the boy away and calmly fixed the machine within seconds. She patted his head and giggled as he swiped it away before heading back to her table. And just like that, the boys original personality was back, calm. What an interesting character.

Eventually, the boy had finished up making the tea and he put it on a tray before picking it up and walking out from behind the counter. Luke could now see that the boy was a little bit shorter than himself, his body was pretty slim aswell. He also couldn't help but notice his walk..it practically radiated sass- but his face didn't at all look sassy, although considering the earlier interaction with the other barista-.. God who knows-

"Here's your tea, sir. If you need anything else, please, ask me."

Luke just smiled and nodded as he said a small thank you to the boy.

He had turned on his heel and headed back to the counter, once again sitting on top of it.

Luke couldn't help but stare at him in the reflection, he couldn't figure out why, but he really, really wanted to get to know this boy.

He finished up his tea and put some money on the table as a tip as he looked outside. The rain, it had stopped, he took one last glance at the barista before smiling and shaking his head as he walked out. He would be back to see him again.

//Author notes!\\
Aha i have to practice not fitting stories into the one chapter because I feel I make them too crammed! So that's partially why I made this book (also bc coffeeshop is my all time favourite trope 💗💗)

I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter! I hope that chapter 2 should be out soon<3 BYEBYE!!!<3

~ Love, Sia

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