Chapter 1: The awakening

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IMPORTANT: I was looking for All for One's name but all it came up with was Shigaraki, which is his last name. And since his brother's name is Yoichi Shigaraki, I just thought I'd make up a name for All for One because I don't want to call him Shigaraki all the time, and neither do I want to call him All for One cuz this is the story of when quirks first appeared, so this is before he got labelled as All for One. Plus he is somewhat good in this story. I might cut it off as soon as Tenko Shimura get's introduced. We'll see. So All for One's name will be Aoi Shigaraki, and his brother is Yoichi Shigaraki. 

A/N - This story starts in Australia, I will make sure to tell y'all when it moves to Japan. I know that the Shigaraki's are Japanese and everything, but they live in Australia for some reason, k? This is for convenience purposes

~Aoi's POV~

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my bedroom door.

"C'mon Oniichan!! You promised to play poker with me today!!" The whiny voice of my 9 year old brother sounded from the other side of the door.

"Yeah yeah, I know." I grumbled. Why did I agree to this? "Set up the game, I'll come out in a sec."

"Okay. You better." I could almost hear the smile through his voice.

I joke around a lot, calling my brother a sickly skeleton, but in truth I love him. Although my parents coddle him, and pay no mind to me, I'm not jealous. I was 4 years old when he was born. I was 4 when they pretty much abandoned me. They still fed me, provided me with school and clean clothes, but they never talk to me these days. They let me come along with them on "family" trips, but other than that, they do not care where I go or what happens. 

I'm truly grateful that I don't have a curfew to follow like most people my age. I can put a lock on my door for all they care. I can leave for a week and even if they do notice, they won't go look for me. I know that from an experiment that I conducted a few years prior.

My train of thought, breaking the fourth wall, was interrupted by my brother again, "Oniichan I shuffled the cards!! You better come out right now before I break down your door!!"

"Why can't you just open it? It's not barricaded or anything." I grumbled as I stood up, put on a shirt that I found lying on the floor, and opened my door. "Plus yo skeleton lookin' ass won't have the strength to break the door anyway." I whispered.

As soon as I stepped out, my brother catapulted into me, and hugged my mid section.

"Do you know how long you were asleep for?" I shook my head as he said that. "It's 1pm and you only just woke up. I get it's the holidays but you can't just leave me like this."

"Aw c'mon. I just want some rest from school. I'm tired of just afk-ing while the teachers lecture us. Plus you're never alone." I exclaimed. "Mom and dad are always there. I haven't seen you alone like ever."

At that, the smaller copy or me grabbed my hand and dragged me to the living room. Our house wasn't very big, or small. It was a decent 1 story sized house, with a nice living room, a kitchen, a backyard full of bright green grass, a garage, 1 bathroom, and 3 smallish bedrooms. Nothing too fancy, but it was still very nice. As soon as I sat down at the table in the living room, our dog ran up to us and jumped on the table, licking my face.

"Nomu!! How many times did I tell you not to put your dirty paws on the table." I playfully swatted at the dog.

"Awwww Nomu wants to play too!!" The 9 year old card rat squealed.

"Yoichi, you know he's not allowed to. Mom will be angry if she sees this." I tried to calmly defuse the situation before it escalated.

However, as soon as I lowered the dog back to the ground, Yoichi jumped up and tripped, slamming his fragile face into the ground. Me and my brother were pretty much copy pasted, except my brother was abnormally skinny. He has very fragile bones, and a strange sickness that the doctors deemed uncurable. He wasn't allowed to go to school, or outside for that matter unless supervised by an adult.

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