Chapter 5: Friends? No... Acquaintances.

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A/N - '_' means sign language, "_" means verbal speech.

~Yumi Aizawa's POV~

The boys were fighting. Again.

Well, it was more like a battle of glares, since the younger one was too frail to have a physical fight, and both of them were too cautious of getting caught to be too loud. They were whispering angrily too each other, but their rage filled eyes were much scarier than their words.

After I made my way to my room, with Nomu following close behind, I made sure to lock the door. I walked over and opened my window, beckoning the two white haired brothers to climb up. Too late did I realize that Yoichi might be too weak.

We couldn't risk alerting Ms Isae, or any other children for that matter, so verbal planning was a no go with me being so high up.

Wait, if one of them knows sign language, could we communicate like that?

'Hey, do you understand this?' I signed.

Yoichi instantly replied. 'Yes. You know sign language too?'

I nodded. 'I have a plan to get you up here.'

This time Aoi replied. 'And what is that plan of yours?'

'I will lower myself out of the window, holding onto the window sill with my hands. Yoichi can then grab onto my legs and I will pull him up, with your help of course.' I signed. This was a mildly difficult sentence to sign. I was fluent enough for basic conversations, but this was a bit of a stretch. 'I'm assuming you can climb up by yourself?'

Yoichi frowned but Aoi nodded. 'Good idea.'

'Oi, do I get a say in any of this!?' The younger brother signed very aggressively, his hand gestures overly exaggerated.

The older brother just shook his head, offering the nine year old his hands to help vault him up high enough to reach me. In turn, I did exactly as I said I would. I was hanging out of my window, gripping the ledge with my fingers. Slowly I felt two very bony and slender hands wrap around my legs. 

Thank god I was wearing sweatpants and not a skirt, otherwise this would've been very embarrassing.

Right, do I have the strength to actually pull us both up? I suddenly thought. I can pull myself up, and Yoichi is quite light. Actually he is very light. What does this kid eat? A salad leaf a month?

I pulled us both up no problem. However as I climbed through the window, I accidentally bumped Yoichi's shoulder on my desk, which stood right next to the window.

"Again? Seriously?" He groaned quietly.

I instantly noticed something was wrong. Yoichi's left shoulder no longer mirrored his right one. It was twisted out of it's socket. The sight wasn't what made me freeze up. It was the fact that all it took for his shoulder to dislocate was a slight bump. He would not survive in the real world, no matter how smart he says he is.

The other reason that I froze up was because of the deadly aura I felt radiation from outside the window, where I left Aoi.

A few seconds later, and he was crouching on the ledge of my windows like some villain from an anime who was about to kidnap the protagonists child. It was dark outside by now, the rising moon barely illuminating anything. But it's light was enough to give Aoi's silhouette an eerie glow.

"What did you do to my brother." He growled, leaving a second between each word.

"I- nothing- it- the desk-" My voice was shaking with fear.

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