Chapter 2

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The next day


"Yes ma'am she can be there by 4pm thank you so much!" I exclaimed.

"Cake is squared away" I said aloud as I checked it off of my checklist.

Ava sent me a few themes that she was into just so I could get an idea of how the decorations should be.

She wanted the shower to be unisex so we went with a jungle theme.

Immediately I got in contact with one of the best bakery's in Manhattan. The owner said she'd have a few sample flavors ready for James and Ava to try out this evening.

I was going to go but I have to meet up with Mrs. Smith today and I need to be prepared. For some reason, she pushed our meeting up and although I've already done a lot of research on her I still had less than 24 hours to prepare.

Ava told me that her favorite pregnancy craving is Chinese food so I'm going to have her favorite Chinese spot cater the entire party.

I've also been corresponding through email with this event coordinator that is going to be doing the decorations, goodie bags and the table center pieces.

The only thing I have left is booking the DJ.

And Ava has to figure out who she's going to give her doctor permission to know what the gender is so we can also get the streamers squared away.

Shortly after hanging up the phone, I heard a knock on my office door.

Sometimes I'd love to ignore people when they need me but unfortunately everyone's office is made out of glass. Mine is the only one without blinds but I don't complain because once I make partner I'll have an even bigger and better office on the top floor with blinds as long as I want them to be.

It does feel like I'm in an actual fish bowl when I'm in here though.

I looked up and it was my colleague Max, Phil's nephew.

Colleague was really an understatement, I'd consider Max a really good friend that I happened to meet at work.

He can be ranked as my number one favorite person in this office.

And he's really kind and he makes the best sliders. I have to give it to him, the man cook!

He took our eye contact as a green light for him to come into my office so that's just what he did.

"Did I say come in?" I asked him.

He took down my degree that I had hanging on the wall.

"Boy what are you doing?" I asked.

"You see this button that you had this stupid and useless thing hanging on top of?" He asked.

"Yes I figured it served no purpose so I hung my degree right there" I spoke, "and watch what you say about my four hard years."

He pressed the button and a little compartment opened from the ceiling and blinds came down.

"No way!" I exclaimed, "just when I thought I was the forgotten one."

"Everything serves a purpose here" he said before locking my door and laying down on my couch by the window, "except me 'cause I don't belong here."

"Max don't start with me today because I have a lot to do" I told him, "I can't play therapist right now."

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