Chapter 1

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"Thank you for not blowing me off today" my sister Ava smiled.

"If I would've cancelled again, it would've been what? Five times in a row?" I asked, "one more time and you probably would've popped up at my job, acting an outright fool."

"And you better believe it" she answered.

I took the rest of my cappuccino to the head before placing the empty mug back on the table.

"I'm going to need another one of these before I head back" I said aloud.

"You need to leave that caffeine alone before your heart explodes" she joked.

"I'm in the best shape of my life, I think I'm good."

Ava wanted to do dinner but I could only squeeze her in during my 45-minute lunch break.

"Seriously though when are you going to stop letting work interfere with your personal life?" Ava asked, "you're not getting any younger, grandma! And time waits for no one."

I'm one of the top account managers at my firm. I pull 70 hours a week and I'm so committed to my job that I take no days off.

I juggle 8 clients at once so I'm always being invited to business events, dinners, parties and the list goes on.

Having and maintaining strong relationships with my clients is important, that is if I want to keep my job.

I love my family and what friends I have left but there just isn't enough time in the day to please everyone. And dating is out of the question.

"Grandma?" I laughed, "I'm only 32 years old, I'm not that old."

"Exactly, you're 32 years old!" She exclaimed, "most women your age have families and look at you, you don't even date."

"Well what about Nolan?" I asked.

"What about him?" She laughed, "he's the man that was crazy about you and you broke his heart."

"I wouldn't say I broke his heart per se."

"Morgan be real with yourself" she laughed.

"You have to give me a pass because I was just getting my feet wet in my career. Besides, he said he didn't mind waiting for me."

"A man can only wait for so long" she sighed.

"I have my job to think about, he understands that."

"Is your job going to keep you warm at night or grow old with you?" Ava asked, "I mean, you keep the man in your back pocket when you want to go to dinner parties or if you need him to do something for you and be always shows up!"

"Nolan and I have an understanding" I argued.

"The man invited you to his family reunion because his mom missed you and you told him no because you had to work" she said, "so what's the understanding that you two have? You use him when it's convenient and he gets nothing in return?"

I just looked at her and took a sip of the water that was placed on the table when we first got here.

"For the past 8 years, you have given this job your entire life and what are you getting in return?"

"I have a beautiful condo and studio that's paid off, I drive a Lexus and I'm able to live a comfortable life."

"All alone" she added.

"Am I a slab of ribs?" I asked, "because you are grilling me!"

"Rightfully so!" Ava laughed.

"When I become partner then I'll be ready" I told her.

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