Chapter 3

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One week later

Friday is supposed to be the best day of the week but mine sucks right now.

I haven't been feeling well for the past two days and of course my doctor is on vacation.

I'm a woman with a strict routine and I really don't see myself seeing a physician that I'm not familiar with so I'll have to wait an entire week to see my doctor.

He's coming back on Saturday, the day of Ava's baby shower but I made an early morning appointment so I can be there for her and still take care of myself.

Ever since I got Mrs. Smith's account, my workload has gotten even heavier. Phil is trying to break me and I'm not having it.

"Morgan you have to come quick!" Max yelled as he busted into my office.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked as I shot up to my feet.

"Jackson's computer shut down in the middle of a transfer and he needs you to reboot it without losing his progress!"

I took the last sip of my double shot espresso to the head and followed Max to Jackson's cubicle in a hurry.

"Where are you going? His desk is this way?" I asked Max.

"He's using the computer in the conference room, hurry!" Max yelled.

I ran behind Max and into the conference room.

"Surprise!" Everyone yelled as the lights were turned on.

It felt like my heart stopped beating for a moment.

Between me already not feeling well, my heart racing from running over here and this shocking surprise. I forgot how to breathe for a second.

"What's this about?" I smiled awkwardly.

"This my friend, is for doing what no one else could do and that is securing Mrs. Smith's account" Phil smiled, "this accomplishment will definitely affect your evaluation."

Phil winked at me before walking away.

"We thought we would put this together for you to show our appreciation for your hard work and dedication. It never goes unnoticed" he said.

"Let's make a toast in honor of all that Morgan does" Phil smiled.

Max handed me a champagne glass but before I could open my mouth to tell him I didn't drink, he cut me off.

"I know, it's cider" he smiled.

"Thank you" I told him.

"You know I got you girl."

"Yeah I'll get you later" I whispered.

Max knows I don't like surprises so why would he do this to me?

"To Morgan" Max smiled.

"To Morgan!" Everyone said in unison.

This was a bittersweet feeling because I feel like Phil is playing in my face.

Ever since Mrs. Smith said what she said at dinner, I've really been on high alert whenever it has anything to do with Phil.

"Thank you everyone" I smiled.

"Alright everybody get back to work, we're not paying you to just stand around" Phil joked but I can tell he really meant it.

I took my Apple cider to the head and turned to go back to my office.

"Morgan can you stay a minute?" Phil asked me.

Max looked at me and all I could do was raise my eyebrow at him. He knew I had nothing to say to Phil.

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