Chapter 4

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One day before evaluations

"How are you holding up?" Max asked me.

"Meaning?" I asked.

"Evaluations are tomorrow. You ready?"

"I don't want to talk about it right now. Let's just focus on getting this place cleaned up."

We were at my old apartment in Manhattan.

Tomorrow is the day that Max is going to tell his uncle about not wanting to work at the firm and I know I told Max that there was no way Phil could kick him and his family out of his own home. But Max is right, Phil knows people in high places and anything is possible with that man.

I want the place to be cleared out and spotless just in case things don't go as planned.

This apartment was my first big purchase ever.

After working for the firm for two years, it finally sank in that I had a big girl job. I was no longer that 19 year old having to eat pasta and hot pockets every night.

I had a degree, a real job and I can now take on real responsibilities. I moved out of my parents' home and bought me a deluxe apartment in the sky just like the Jefferson's baby.

This place has two bedrooms and one bathroom and couldn't nobody tell me nothing at the time.

Art was something I had always done for fun but as I got older and began to learn different techniques, I started taking it seriously.

New York is home of many great artists known and unknown.

From the graffiti on the trains that go by to the art in the galleries, I'd say we are the home of the most talented. Inspiration is everywhere and the more I looked around, the more inspired I was to work on my own projects.

One day I purchased all of the supplies I needed and began working on some major paintings. A lot of them reflected how I felt on the inside, others were inspired by what I wanted my future to look like.

It wasnt just a great source of stress relief but overtime I became very passionate about my work.

I had a few friends on the art scene and they eventually helped me get my artwork into oval galleries for auction, I even sold a lot of pieces too.

Sooner than later my workload started to become more intense.

I stopped painting for a week and then a week turned into a month and then a month turned into a year and a year turned into 3. I eventually purchased a condo and used this apartment as a storage unit for my old paintings, out of season clothes and random odds and ins.

For the last few years my new year resolution has been to get back into painting but I don't have the time.

When I make partner, I'll be able to make my own schedule. And then I will definitely have time to start going back to church, hanging out with my nieces and nephews, my art and just getting back to me.

Nolan and I will finally have a chance to have a real relationship. He's my person and I'm his and I believe our relationship will be a good one. One that will surely stand the test of time.

I'm going to make partner. And I'm not just saying that because I feel entitled. I'm saying it because the proof is in the pudding.

All of my work is done on time, my clients are happy and I put myself on the line for the betterment of the entire firm. I got Mrs. Smith's account even after all of the higher ups failed to do so. The job is definitely mine.

I'm nervous and I don't want to discuss anything until things are completely set in stone.

"Yo Morgan, it's me!" Nolan yelled.

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