Chapter 7

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"Morgan are you awake?!" Adina yelled from the other side of my locked bedroom door.

"I took a shower and I just got dressed, I'm just making sure I have everything" I spoke.

"Daddy will be here in a couple of hours, I just wanted to make sure you were up!" She yelled.

I quickly walked over to my door and unlocked it before snatching it open.

"Girl, can you please lower your voice before you wake the dead?" I laughed.

"I'm sorry Mo, I was just trying to make sure that you heard me."

"I can hear you, the people way down the hall can probably hear you too" I told her before walking back to my suitcase.

She came in behind me and shut the door.

"What is it Adina?" I asked, still trying to get myself together.

"I'm scared."

"Scared of what?" I asked.

"Can you just sit down so we can have a heart to heart, seriously?" She asked.

There was a hint of concern in her voice and I had a feeling this conversation was headed somewhere else.

I took a deep breath and sat at the end of my bed where she was also.

"What if this is the last time I see you?" She asked.

"It won't be."

"You don't know that, you're my big sister and I love you and I just want you to take your health seriously but I don't think you are."

"I'm being as serious as a heart attack" I said trying not to laugh at the accidental pun.

"See? It's not funny Morgan" she spoke, "you always put the weight of this entire family on your shoulders and you look out for everyone but when it comes to you and your health, you don't care. I know I'm the little sister and what I have to say is often overlooked in this family but it's important to me. I don't want to lose you, at least not like this."

I quickly wiped the smirk off of my face and took another deep breath.

"I'm sorry Adina but I am taking this matter very seriously. I still have personal goals and aspirations that I want to reach and I know I won't be able to if I'm not healthy. I want to live to see our nieces and nephews grow up and go to college and become somebody. I want to watch you walk down the aisle and maybe for me I'll even start a business of my own" I laughed.

A few tears trailed down my cheek but I wiped them away and held the rest I had built up.

"I want to rededicate my life back to Christ and stop trying to do everything on my own y'know? Money doesn't make me perfect or exempt from disease or feeling, I feel too. But I refuse to be the cigarette smoking, depressed cat lady that I probably would've turned out to be had you not been here. So I appreciate everything you've done and all that you're doing to push me towards better health and I am not taking it for granted, you hear me?"

"Take care of yourself out there, alright? Please just try to eat right and don't forget to take all of your medication even on the days when you're feeling good, never miss a day, okay?"

"You have my word" I told her.

I gave Adina a hug and patted her back before letting her go.

"Me and the girls are getting ready to go to the woman's shelter to drop this stuff off, it's okay if I take the car right?"

"Yeah but d-..." she cut me off.

"I know, don't dent the car" she laughed.

"I was going to say don't forget to put your seatbelts on."

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