Chapter 1

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Never Judge a Book by its Cover 

*beep* *beep* *beep*

Groaning, Ash Ketchum reached over and shut off his alarm. Then, he turned over in bed and instantly tried to go back to sleep.

Today is his first day of school after a long summer break. However, he doesn't seem to want to start his junior year just yet.

"Ash, are you still in bed," his mom, Delia Ketchum, says as she opens his door.

"Just *yawn* five more minutes," a very sleepy Ash responds.

"Alright, but if you don't hurry up, then your going to be late." Delia, then, closed his door and left.

Sighing, Ash finally found the motivation to get up and preceded to fall into his before school routine.

Twenty minutes later, Ash walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table where his breakfast of toast and orange juice were waiting for him. With a frown, he began eating his breakfast.

"Come on, aren't you at least a little excited to see your friends again," Delia asked after noticing her sons down expression.

"I don't have any friends."

"Well it is a new year and you know what they say," Delia said while trying to brightening her sons mood. "There is no time like the present!"

"Yeah, the present where everyone hates me," Ash said as he got up from the table. "I am going to be going now." Leaving the kitchen and grabbing his backpack, Ash left.

"What am I going to do with you," Delia said as she stared at the spot Ash occupied just moments before. "What happened to my once happy kid…"

Walking to school, Ash began to think about why he didn't have any friends. In a place where those that were similar grouped off and were those that had money were popular, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why nobody liked him. He was always a polite and kind person, but he saw the world differently than those around him and came from a poor family. So, he was considered weird and a social outcast that was an easy target for bullies.

Coming up to school, Ash saw the "cool kids" gathering. This group consisted of Gary, Paul, Drew, and Calem. They got their reputation because everyone wanted to be like them. Each had their own unique trait that people couldn't help but admire. From Paul's calm and tough demeanor to Gary's easy going and fun personality. It also doesn't hurt that they are the school's star athletes.

"Hey, look what the cat dragged in," Gary said while he and his group walked up to Ash.

"Oh it isn't Mr. I am so fully of myself," Ash responded back.

"Well, I would rather be full of myself than a totally loser." Seeing the "queens" walking by, Gary smirked. "Now if you excuse me, I have a reputation to maintain," Gary said, before pushing Ash to the ground. Unfortunately, it rained last night and Ash fell right into a puddle. This caused everyone, including the "queens", to laugh at him.

Standing up and wiping the mud off of him, Ash just ignored them and walked away. He knew that he was better off to not start something.

After a quick trip to the bathroom to clean himself off, Ash was seated in the back of his first hour of the day. Hearing the door open, Ash looked towards the class's entrance and saw the "queens".

The "queens" got their title because they were considered the most beautiful girls in the school. They consisted of Dawn, May, Misty, and of course, the most beautiful of them all, Serena. Any normal guy would be ecstatic to snag one of these bombshells as their girlfriend, especially if he snagged Serena.

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