Chapter 6

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"I told you already, Serena, that I have something planned this afternoon," Dawn said while talking on her cell phone as she walked towards the town's library. It was a nice Saturday afternoon with the sun shinning brightly and with the wind providing a nice cool breeze. Today she and Ash planned to meet to work on their Chemistry project. However, she wanted to keep that information a secret. Something that her friend was not too happy about based on the complaining voice on the other end of the line.

"I'll talk to you latter," Dawn said as she finally had enough of this conversation and ended the call. What was Serena's problem? Recently, she has been really nosy. Well, nosier than she usually is.

Releasing an exhausted breath, the teenager wondered how this meet up will go. Of course she still had an uneasy feeling with how things turned out between her and Ash, but she did not have a single clue on what to do to fix the situation. Normally she would just ignore the problem and hope that it would go away. However, that was impossible because they were partners.

Taking one last glance at her phone before putting it away, Dawn also didn't want to involve her friend Serena anymore. This was her problem and she needed to figure it out herself. Stopping in front of the big building that was the town's library, Dawn let out another exhausted breath. Even if doing so took 10 years off of her life.

Gathering what courage she had, the teenager put a smile on her face that helped her become a "queen" of the school and walked into the building.

Looking around at the many tables, Dawn finally spotted the person she was looking for and began making her way towards him. However, what she didn't expect was that their was another person with Ash. Since when did the loner ever hang out with anyone?

Ash finally noticed Dawn when she was a few yards away from his table and looked up from the assignment he was doing. Now Dawn didn't expect a smile or a warm greeting from him, but she certainly expected something different than the blank face she received. Also, to make matters worse, he didn't utter a word.

"Umm, h-hi Ash."

Damn she stuttered. She was a "queen" at school and was widely known for her social skills. She never stuttered! Quickly, Dawn turned her head away from the black haired teenager to hide her building anger and came face to face with Ash's. . . Associate?

Her anger was quickly replaced with curiosity as she studied this unfamiliar person from his seat at the table. He had auburn hair with no muscle mass and had a slight belly to him. Also, with his big shinny digital watch on his wrist, Dawn quickly concluded that he was your stereotypical nerd and nothing special. However, what really caught her attention was his red cheeks and the slightly glazed look in his eyes as he stared at her.

Dawn knew she was beautiful and that she had some sort effect on the male population. Usually, she wasn't one to over exaggerate what her friend May referred to as cuteness, but she like any other teenage girl liked a juicy story.

"I don't believe we have met before," Dawn said with her award winning smile and while curtsying. "I am Dawn." She was no idiot and knew that this person had to be tutoring Ash. Why else would a loner like Ash hang out with a nerd? What Dawn was interested in was the reason why he would help the so called loser out and judging by how the nerd was staring at her legs as she raised her pink skirt to the point where her underwear was almost showing, she would have her answers soon.

"I-I am Ke-Kenny-y," Kenny stuttered with his face as red as a tomato.

"Kenny!" Dawn said with extra sweetness as she sat down directly across from him. "That's a cool name!"

As Kenny stuttered out a thank you, Dawn knew that she had him wrapped around her finger at this point. It was almost too easy to manipulate nerds that had obvious crushes on her. With a few sweet words and a few gestures, they became like putty in her hands. Now it was time to get her scoop!

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