Chapter 18

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Pony's POV:

I was sitting here with all the guys and Haley still hasn't returned yet. "Guys, don't y'all think that Haley should be back by now?" I asked them. "Yeah she should. Hey? Didn't she say something about y'all getting jumped yesterday?" Johnny asked. "Yeah, but you don't think that they showed back up and found her, do you?" I said. "I don't know man. Haley is strong though so she can fight them off." Dally said. "Yeah, but what if it was more than Bob and Randy?" I added. "Wait? It was Bob and Randy that jumped y'all?" Soda asked. "Yeah." I said. "Well, they're pussies so they probably didn't come back." Dally sighed. I still had that hit of worry though.

*Two hours later*

It has been two hours and Haley isn't back YET. "Okay now it's starting to worry me." Dally said. "Awww is wittle Dawwy scared." Two-bit joked. "No! I'm just worried Two." He said. I know how he feels. Just then we heard a engine roar past our house. I looked out the window to see some kind of object laying on the ground. "Hey, what is that?' I said walking out of the house and to it. Once I got to it, I noticed that it was a jean jacket. With blood on it, fresh blood on top of that. "Pony what is it?" Darry asked. I didn't reply. I was too much in shock to. "Pony he asked you what it is." Dally said. I still didn't reply. Dally started walking towards me, "Pony, WHAT IS I-" He started then stopped when he saw it, "Oh shit!" He said realizing it was Haley's.

The rest of the gang walked over to, wanting to see what it was. When they saw it, their faces clouded over. " that.....Haley's?" Johnny squeaked. "Yeah." I whispered. "NO!!! NO IT CAN'T BE!! SHE'S GOTTA BE OKAY!! WE GOTTA CHECK THE LOT!!" Dally yelled, then ran out of the yard and down the street. Everyone started to run after him and I, of course, caught up to him. We were the first two, to the lot.

When we got there, we saw a figure laying on the ground. "Haley!?" I yelled. Then when we got to the figure, Dally yelled, "Oh my gosh. GUYS GET OVER HERE REAL QUICK AND CALL FOR HELP!!" We got to her and turned her over. She looked dead. The guys, except Darry, ran over to us. "Oh my gosh! What happened!" Soda said. "I bet it was them damn Socs!!!" Dally yelled. I looked around on the ground to see if there were any evidence to see who did this, Johnny was helping me. "Hey guys." I heard Johnny say. I turned around to see what it was and there he held was a ring. One of the rings that Bob wears. "I swear if I find them I will fucking kill their asses!" Dally yelled picking Haley up bridal style. Just then, Darry pulled up in the truck. We all hopped in to take Haley to the hospital.

When we got there the doctors instantly took her in. As they were rolling her down the hallway, I saw the one of the nurses doing CPR on her. Oh gosh! I can't lose her. She is my whole world and if she dies, I die. Dally does too. Everyone saw them doing CPR. "No man, I can't lose her. She's my little sis. I love her to death and if she dies, then I ain't got nothing to live for." Dally said sliding his back down the wall with his head in his hands, he was crying. "No no no, this can't be happening. She's the love of my life. We made a promise." I cried sitting down. "Look, it's gonna be okay." Darry said putting his hand on both of our shoulders.

What seemed like decades later, the doctor walk out. "Haley Winston?" He said. "That's us!" Dally yelled jumping up from the ground where he was. "Well..." The doctor began.

Haley's POV:

Numb. That was the only thing I felt. Numb. I remember seeing this strange light hovering in front of me. "What is that?" I said to myself, and then out of nowhere, it moved. The orb of light was just drawing me to it and then it started getting further and further away, so I followed it. I kept a safe distance away from it because I don't what it is, or what it's purpose is. Soon after what felt like hours of following it, the orb grew into a huge ball of light and then all I saw was white. This strange silhouette of a person started to come into my line of vision. "Who are you?" I said. "I am Myra, don't you remember me?" It, well Myra, said. "M-mom?" I stuttered, "I thought you were..." I started. "Dead?" She finished. "Yeah. Wait! Am I dead!?" I yelled. "My dear, you are on the verge of death. I've come here to tell you that it is not your time. You've done a great deed to protect your friends and you still need to in the future. They need you, your real brother, your gang, everyone. They need you." She said. "Good, cuz I honestly don't wanna die yet." I added. "Yeah, well it's time you got back." She hugged me. "By the way, even though you're not my biological mother, you're still my mother at heart. So bye mom." I said leaving. The last time I turned around, she had a smile on her face.

The next thing I knew I was awake with the doctors using a defibrillator on me. "We got her this time!" One of them cheered. "Honey. You are a living miracle." A nurse told me. They took several minutes to check everything else and then they were gone for the moment. When the doctor left, he said I could have visitors.

Pony's POV:

"Well..." The doctor began. Oh no she didn't make it. My life is over. "After several attempts to jump start her heart back up with the defibrillator, we finally got her breathing again." He finished. After that, a wave of relief went through me. "Oh my gosh. She's alive! Where is she!?" Dally asked. "In room 293." The doctor barely finished before me and Dally bolted down the hallway to her room. As soon as we went in, we attacked her with a careful hug.

Haley's POV:

I wasn't even alone for five minutes before Pony and Dally stormed in and attacked me in a gentle hug. "You're okay!!" Dally yelled. "Yeah." I said weakly cuz of the cut on my throat. I couldn't hardly even move cuz I had several broken ribs, broken leg that they did surgery on, concussion, and more. Plus, I even had some internal bleeding. "Haley, why did they do that to you?" Pony whispered to me. "Well...remember when we got jumped?" He nodded. "Well maybe I accidentally stabbed Bob. Then today, I lied about going to the lot to look for something I lost. I went to the lot to think and then I ended up running into Bob and Randy, with several of their friends. They threatened to hurt all of y'all, and I asked them if there was anything that I could do to stop them and there was. Beating me was the option and I knew that one of us being hurt was better than seven." I told them. By the time I finished, the whole gang was there and they heard all of it.

"You did this to yourself to protect us?" Soda asked. "Yeah, and I would do it again if I had to." I said. "Haley, you could've gotten yourself killed!" Dally said raising his voice. "Yeah? Well that wasn't even the worst of it." I mumbled. "What do you mean?" Pony asked. "I mean, they used brass knuckles, steel toed shoes, blades, and anything else that they could get their hands on. I don't know which hurt worst. That or that one Soc breaking my leg." I snickered. "How would one breaking your leg hurt worse than any of that?" Steve grunted. "You know what Steve? I'm tired of the fucking attitude you give me! I went through all of this shit to protect everyone in this room including you! You wanna know why it hurt so fucking bad!? Because the dumb motherfucker actually stepped on my leg while he was pulling it up. Then you look down to see your damn bone sticking out! You think that isn't bad! Well walk in my damn shoes!" I snapped. Then, the doctor walked in and said, "Visiting hours are over so y'all need to leave." He pushed all of them out of the door ignoring their protests.

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