Chapter 25 (Part 1)

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Remember the past, plan for the future, but live for today, because yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.

Family: Where LIFE begins, and LOVE never ends.

Haley's POV:

I am consumed in a deep deep darkness. I see images of everything from my past flash before my eyes. Am I dead? But I can't be. I have so much to live for. The images stopped right where everything left off. At the drag race. Then the light of the images start getting further and further away. This is it. I'm dead. I crack open my eyes to see white flash everywhere. I closed them and opened them slightly to adjust to it. Then that's when I hear the never ending sound of beeping. I noticed the ceiling tiles that were staring down at me. I look up to notice that I was in the hospital. What the hell?

"Oh my gosh, Halo you're awake!" I heard Pony yell. That's when I noticed the sharp pain in my head, along with the pain everywhere else. I groan cuz it hurts so bad. "Ugh, that fucker shot me." I groaned. "Yeah don't worry, he was arrested." Johnny spoke up. "Yeah right after we beat the shit outta him." Said Dally as him and the rest of the gang entered the door way. "Dally!" I yelled. Hey he's my brother and I was happy to see him. "Hey kiddo. Now do me a favor and don't so that again." He said kindly at first and then got really stern at the end. "Uhhh...I can't promise that. Drag racing is my life..." I said. "Yeah and you're mine so don't." He pointed at me then gave me a hug. "I love you Dal." I mumbled into the hug. "I love you too sis." He mumbled back. As we broke apart, I go things from the rest of the gang. "What happened to all those skills Minnie?" Two-bit asked. "Fuck you." I said smiling, giving him the finger. Everyone chuckled. The doctor walked in. "We're here to give you some more pain medication in you IV." He said. Then a nurse came over to put it into the IV. "So what's the news doc?" I asked him. " have quite a few deep gashes, the one on your forehead required seven stitches. Also you have two broken ribs, a concussion, and then, of course, the bullet hole in your arm. It didn't hit any important arteries or blood vessels, so you're fine on that and recovery should go smoothly." He informed me. "So that's why I hurt like hell." I mumbled still in pain. "Yes, you morphine should kick in here in a couple minutes. Also, don't overexert yourself." He added. "Thanks doc." I said and him and the nurse walked out. "I wanna beat the living shit outta that motherfucker." I said as my body relaxed as the morphine kicked in.

"By the way, how long was I out?" I asked the gang. I looked at Pony and he replied, "One week." "Wait, what!?" I yelled. "Yeah the doctor said that the concussion was why and that your body was resting to help you heal." Darry said. "But I was still out for a week!" I said. "Haley, don't get yourself worked up. The doctor said that you can't get yourself worked up. You lost a lot of blood and energy. He said it could cause you to pass out." Soda informed. Pony tried to calm me down. It isn't working to well. "I'll find that son of a bitch in prison and slit his throat and make him drink his own blood." I stated.

I was getting extremely tired. It was around nine o'clock. I was dead to the world while everyone just chatted around me. Suddenly my thoughts of sleep were broken. "You tired Haley?" It was Pony. "Yeah." I yawned. Everyone suddenly said that they were gonna leave and go home. "Would it be okay if I asked Darry if I could stay here?" Pony asked me. "Of course goober. You should know that it would be fine with me." I giggled. He ran out to ask Darry, and then several minutes later, he came running back in. "I can stay." He smiled. I scooted over and patted the empty spot next to me. He jumped right in next to me. "Goodnight, I love you." I whispered and kissed the tip of his nose. "Goodnight hun, I love you too." He said kissing me on the lips and then wrapped his arms around my waist. Soon, darkness consumed me and I fell into a dreamless sleep.

Sorry this chapter is kinda short guys. :/

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