Chapter. 18.

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Mc pov

I never felt this much fear even when I got less marks in the Maths exam.

I only saw her in movies, and as far I remembered she only interfere with Magical matters.  But in the future, there is a possibility that I killed her students or sorcerers from what I heard from my different version.

Wait if she saw my future actions then she must have seen how I tortured my enemies. Mainly she must have seen my evil happy smile.

Shit shit, wait why I am worrying, I didn't even do horrible things like Rape or kill their family or innocent people related to them.

I will only just destroy their balls, and bones, tearing their skin while they are alive, and breaking their minds mentally. These are the only things I have done and I will do in the future. And I did this to only my enemies.

'Buddy it's not normal' Regis said to me.

'What, you talk like an innocent, didn't you tell me that you liked it when I torture that Hydra scientist? And you even told me you will give tips to torture.' I said to him.

'Haha, you are right buddy' he said and admitted.

After all, I am far greater than those Evil villains. I have a great goal.

'Buddy, it's okay, if you die I make hot sexy women my master' Regis said

'You Bastard, You already give up on me,'

'Dude, I'm just telling you my plans if you die, '

Then I took a deep breath and when I was about to knock on the door, I found myself in the hall of this mansion.

"What the hell" I was shocked to see a sudden change in surroundings.

'Buddy, it's the same move the doctor used on Thor, Don't worry if I felt danger I will tell you,'

What, I think Regis still cares about me.

But I didn't even realize what happened. Only Regis can sense magic. Maybe because of Ather.

Then I heard a voice and I know who it is.

"Welcome to Sanctum Sanctorum. Eren Maxwell or should I call you Rudra,"

A bald woman came from behind the stairs and walked towards him.

'Flat, what a disappointment' Regis said

"What happened, Child? Didn't you want to see me? Why are you silent now?" the ancient one asked Rudra with a faint smile.

'Shit, Your plot armor is weak, now she knew your name, then we are just an open book to her,' Regis said 

"Sorry, I was nervous," I said

"Alright! Come with me. We have lots to discuss, plus Hydra is searching for you everywhere," the ancient one said

'She knows too much, I must be careful with her,'

'Rudra, if you want I can create portal but I don't know where will it open but if things go out of control then we will escape from it, so don't worry buddy, ' Regis said to me.

I nodded and I followed her.

After that, the ancient one led Rudra upstairs and to the doors which led to Kamar Taj. As soon as they passed the door he saw the famous eye of Agamotto or in another sense, the time gem upon a raised stone block. He looked at it for a few seconds but turned his eyes.

He knew that infinity stones were really powerful but he had this system and Group chat so he don't want infinity stones.

The ancient one saw that his eyes were on the eye of Agamotto and noted he didn't have an interest in it.

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