25. Harlem fight part 3

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Ross pov

In a military helicopter, General Ross was furiously trying to talk to one of his soldiers down on the street. He had just gotten a confusing piece of information which was making him anxious as he felt like another threat was upon them.

"What do you mean, soldier? How can the Hulk be down there? Have you lost your mind?" He shouted as he looked at the man beside him.

With black hair and a good-looking face, that man's identity was of Dr. Robert Bruce Banner, one of the leading scientists in America, especially on the subject of Gamma radiation but the monster inside of him was something that General Ross feared.

(*Note Mark Ruffalo is Bruce Banner but a younger version)

Due to an experiment gone wrong, Bruce had turned into a ferocious, primitive creature that had been on the run for several months. They finally managed to capture it in the end and he will gonna spend the rest of his life being experimented on like a test subject.

When General Ross had finally taken a sigh of relief, his soldiers had reported that the Hulk had attacked them

Now That monster is in his palm. Ross was very happy and didn't show his happiness to anyone. But to his bad luck, something worst going to be happening.

"Soldier, the Hulk can't be there! What are you talking about?" General Ross asked.

"There's a monster that attacked us, Sir. Two of our soldiers lost their lives and currently, he's moving through the streets, destroying everything in his path! But suddenly 10 Teenagers who had the same face look appeared and started to save everyone. They also can heal others and they can move very fast sir. ".

"What's going on?" Bruce stood up from his seat and asked, having heard the entire conversation.

"Nothing." General Ross grunted and ignored him. "Tell me your coordinates and turn on your body cams. Let me see what's going on there, damnit!"

"121st Street. Heading North to Broadway!"

"Turn around."

The soldier told his coordinates and the pilot turned the helicopter towards them on General Ross's orders. Then, the old general, the other soldiers, and Betty Ross – Bruce's lover and General Ross's daughter looked at the screen where the footage from the soldier's body cam was displayed.

On the screen, a screen straight out of hell was playing out.

A green, ugly monster was throwing cars around and destroying everything in his way.

But suddenly all vehicles stopped in mid-air. And a white hair kid is floating in the air.

Ross felt shock and fear because he thought Magneto came to this place. But it was not him. It is a Kid.

The police took out the rocket launcher, prepared it, and aimed at the monster. The rocket struck, but it merely caused a small explosion which didn't seem to even hurt him.

But the rocket did shift the monster's attention to General Ross's men and white hair kid. He grinned at them and began to sprint towards them, destroying the road and pushing out the people in front of him.

But suddenly all vehicles crashed into him. That attack can not even scratch him. Even after that, he rushed at them. The army men saw him coming their way and run away leaving the kid only.

But that kid rushed at that monster and punched him. Then a Shockwave came from the attack and destroyed the camera

"What… What is that thing? What happened to that kid? " Betty put a hand on her face as she looked at her father.

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