40. A Deal with Childlike Idiot

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(Watcher POV )

The Watchers are a race of ancient powerful beings who have sworn an oath to never interfere in the affairs of other civilizations. And I'm from the Race of Watchers, and my name is Uatu. I was chosen to watch the Earth. I saw humanity's birth and growth.

I meant to be an impartial judge of the events of the world.

I must say, Humans are idiots. They never learned from their mistakes. They never tried to stop things until they saw the destruction.

I also felt how beautiful and terrible. A small action can destroy many lives and also can save many people.

I saw alternated results of human decisions.

And I don't hate them. Because Humans sometimes show kindness greater than Gods and Some idiots become more evil than demons.

But I hate one 𝗣𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 more than anything in my life.

His name Is 𝗕𝗼𝗹𝘁.

I can tell he is a God or so. I met many gods. But he is an awful god.

But he is not from this creation of Our multiverse.

I heard from him that he is from the Outer world like Byonders race.

I first saw him when he helped Gaea and human evolution. And gained her good side. I must say he is a person who knows what to do to complete his work. Then later he appeared when the Age of Gods ended. One day He came out of nowhere and went to meet Sun Wukong. After finding him, Bolt told Wukong about himself. It was the moment I heard that he came from a different World which outer beyond this world. And he said That he is a disciple of A Different Version of Sun Wukong. Wukong got excited And then Both of them, started a Fight, Wukong with his staff and Bolt with his Sword.

I must say that battle is Wonderful. Wukong was defeated at last, and his time came to Reach Heaven. Before his final moments, Wukong gave his Staff, The Ruyi Jingu Bang to Bolt, telling him that he could keep his rod because he is his student from a different world even though he didn't teach Bolt anything but he believed that Sun Wukong of Different version would do the same.

[A/N: That's how Bolt got Sun Wukong's Staff]

And sometime Later I got tricked by him. This is the reason, I hate him.

Now he is standing in front of me with a carefree look. I just want to punch his face.

"Hey, Dude. Long time no see" Bolt said.

"... Why did you come here? " Uatu said

"Uh, how can you say that to your friend, Who came to see you after a long time?" Bolt said

"If you don't have anything to say then leave now," Uatu said

"Ooooh,  Dude I'm sorry. I just wanted to talk with you that's all" Bolt said

"Hmm," he stared at Bolt with his glowing eyes.

"Well, I want your favor," Here he goes again, I know that he came to ask something.

"I'm not gonna fall your words again now get out" If only I could see his FUTURE, I would have protected my weapons.

"How can you say such words to your friend," Bolt said

"I call that is a bullshit. No friend would trick friends like you did" Uatu said

"... I came here to tell you about future Problems... " Then Bolt said upcoming evil beings who are gonna show up in this universe.

Uatu Understood this matter is serious. Because the future possibilities he saw were now changed. Now many problems this world is going to face.

This all happened because of a single anomaly And Anomaly is Rudra. Because Rudra awakened his powers many beings will come for him in the future.

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