33. Attack on Hydra Part 1

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One day before Tom and Jerry's entry...

~Regis plans~

(Regis pov)

Right now Rudra is doing his training. Then I saw Artoria alone in the garden

Kukukuku, I should change her mind. After all, I read too many romance books in Rudra's memory.

I will make her move on Rudra. That asshole is too hard to change. So it is better to change her than Rudra.

"It seems, you like garden," I said.

"Yes, It brings up my childhood memory," she said.

"Haha, I see," I said with a fake smile.

"So what do you want to say to me!? " She said

"Huh, you can understand my actions well," I said and was shocked.

"It's not a big deal, I have a Horse, so I can understand animals' expressions," she said

'NO, how can you compare me with Animals, Such disrespectful, but it's okay if it is Artoria. I will be happier if she steps on me cough'

"... Well, you see I came to ask you that please don't ever betray Rudra," I said to her.

"I understood your reasonings. Because you can't trust someone that you don't know about. But I already got what I needed before coming here. My wish is completed so now I'm just doing my Debt, and Rudra is a good person. I won't do such things to him" she said

[A/N: Actually, she made a deal with System not with Holy Grail. So the system granted her wish by saving her kingdom.]

"Thanks, But Rudra went through so many hardships. Did you see his memories? " I asked her.

"yes," she said

"Then you must have seen how he got tortured" She nodded

"And his childhood lover betrayed him. And Destroyed his heart" I said and acting sad

"what? "

She took the bait.

"he saw his girlfriend having sex with another guy. In short, Rudra's girlfriend cheated on him" I said and saw her expression which is shock.

Let's continue my acting

"Rudra parents throw him from his family. His girlfriend betrayed him. Later he got tortured for no reason And he is trying to save kids. So those kids can live a good life with Freedom. Even after going through this all. He still believed in You. So please support him In every way." I said to her with fake tears.

"I see, he is just like me but he is having a more hard life. " She murmured and started to think About Rudra

Then I felt her so she can MISUNDERSTAND in her way. Kukuku. 

Plan A successful. To change her view on Rudra.

Next day

Rudra pov

I'm satisfied with my training in both sword and Anodite abilities. But still, I can't use a few skills like teleportation and Flight, etc. But I will train later.

For now, I want to attack Hydra. I want to take their attention towards me. I want to become a nightmare for them. So they can't work on their pathetic goal and make mistakes. It will be enough for me so if superheroes question my actions then I will just show Hydra attempts in the FUTURE.

Well, it's not like I'm doing this work for my hero's reputation or popularity. I just want to save as many as I can.

If there is a situation arises in which I should kill one guy to save others. I will kill that guy.

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