42. Phoenix Arc part-1

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2 Hours Later...

We can see Regis in his Dog form (He removed his Horns), Rudra, Tom, and Jerry Going to Mutants School.

'Buddy, I didn't like the idea of not telling anything about Angry Bird to Artoria, and why did you bring this Cat and mouse with us.' Regis Said

After Seeing a few clips of the future. I decided to take the matter into my own hands. Soon I left My Island and I didn't say anything about Phoenix or the upcoming battle with Artoria. And I brought Tom and Jerry with me in this Mission. They will be useful. At least they come back to life endlessly.

Now, I was on my way to meet with Charles Xavier, and I would do my best to save Earth from Phoenix.

'Tom and Jerry will be helpful to stop Phoenix by Their powers but I doubt will toon force work on Phoenix... No, toon force won't be effect on Phoenix but still, this is more than enough for us now.' Rudra said

'You are not answering my question about Artoria' Regis said

'Regis, Do you know that my Alternate Vampire version got destroyed by Phoenix' Rudra said.

'Yes, He tried to do something to Stop that bird and What does it have to do with my question' Regis said

'The main reason why My alternate version got defeated, is because Phoenix Can Read Anyone's Mind, So Phoenix read his mind and Destroyed the world. I bet Phoenix will care about This World. But I have A Skill From Eren Maxwell (Cose mind), with that skill, no one can read my mind even Phoenix. But the reason why I didn't bring Artoria with us is because we already discussed so many things with her. It would be dangerous if Phoenix found out about that. I'm a variant who came to this fictional world. I should be careful.' Rudra said

'Hmm, reasonable reason but I thought you were worried that she may get hurt in this Battle and that's why you didn't bring her' Regis said with a cunning face.

'Of course, I trust her but Phoenix is another matter, I don't want to lose anyone close to me even you, because you guys are the only friends I have in my life Who care about me' Rudra said his feelings.

Regis was stunned for a moment. Because Rudra tells his true feelings to Regis, even in his past life. He didn't have any friends. He is always a loner. Even though he has good looks he thinks he is not good-looking for anyone to become his friend. He had low self-esteem about himself. This is the reason, he loved fiction and novels to escape reality. But in this world, he had two close friends, Regis and Artoria. This is enough for him.

'... Hmm, Yes, you have trust in Lord Regis, I will take care of this Angry bird and save this World.' Regis said with confidence and trying to not show how happy he was.

Tom and Jerry saw Regis and thought 'How Easy he is, Rudra is good at controlling that mad dog'. (A/N: Don't ask How Tom and Jerry know about the Mind conversation between Rudra and Regis.)

"So, What's the plan?" Jerry said

"Well, we already knew Jean is a good person. So she will Sacrifice herself to save the world and leave this earth. And the Mission is to make sure everything goes smoothly and Jean will leave this world. And Mainly we should keep an eye on those Aliens who will come for Phoenix." Rudra said but he felt something was missing.

Rudra is waiting for System to give a quest. He wants rewards for doing a free quest. Maybe Quest will come when Phoenix comes to Earth. He will wait for it. 

'I can sense a plot twist here' Both Tom and Jerry thought but chose to not say out.

"Well, here goes nothing," I sighed, as I saw the X-Mansion ahead. We went inside, Surprisingly there was no guard around. They must be poor.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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