37. X-Men and Bald guy

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I make decisions According to the situation.

To achieve my goal, I need to make many things but I also need to do one IMPORTANT thing. It is to make my name well known in this world, so no one will dare to come my way. I don't know what should I choose, I could use Fear or My Name. If I chose Fear, I will show my Strength to this World. But If I Chose My Name, I should achieve big achievements in my record. So everyone will leave me to do whatever I want but I doubt that.

I chose both to make my name well known in this world. Not as a Hero but as a Powerful being. That one dares to go against me.

So, Frist, I need Fury to make an offer to me. Then I will use him. To make myself well known to World governments. Not to mess with me.

Don't get me wrong, Nick Fury will try to use me, so I will use him. That's all.

With this Hydra Evidence, I will make a deal with him.

I saw only ten minutes left to finish to copy. Then Suddenly Original Tom, Jerry came to us.

"Hey Rudra, we turned Mutated kids into normal kids," Jerry said.

"Yup," Tom said.

"What!? Animals are talking, Laura must have damaged my brain by hitting me!!"

"What the hell!?" Sarah was shocked at this.

Well, here we go again.

"I will tell you guys about them later, but for now, they are allies, and they are powerful," I said to them.

"But what do they mean, they turned mutated kids to normal," Sarah asked

"It is What it is, Dont try to find Logic, Believe it," I said and Sarah grabbed her head. She is Going to see many surprises in the future. After all.

Then Regis Summoned himself from my soul.

"Hahaha, Rudra, I revived my stress on those toys.". He said to Rudra.

"What did you mean? " Artoria asked him. Regis felt he made a mistake. But he covered it with another lie.

"Cough, I mean I felt revived after saving kids. Ha ha," he said with a fake smile.

"I see, you did a good job, " Artoria said and patted his head.

'Yes, Pat my head, kukuku' Regis thought

Rudra gave a weird look at him. Regis saw it and said

'What Rudra? Are you jealous of me? If you want a pat, I will ask Artoria to give you, ' p

Rudra crossed his hands in an X shape and said to Regis,


"World is bigger than I thought, don't you think Aunt Sarah," Rocky said

First, they saw Talking Cat and Rat, now a Talking Dog. They are not going to surprise in the future anymore and they will accept it, that's all.

Regis saw Sarah and Laura,

'Mommy and a daughter fufufu' Regis thought

"Well, I guess I should introduce myself... " Regis started to say bulshit of himself to newcomers.

Rudra saw only 5 minutes to complete the copy.

'So many waifus here, can't wait to charm them with my Beauty,' Regis thought

'Lord Regis, aren't you thinking too high of yourself.' Rudra said.

'Rudra you Bastard, don't make fun of me, just because you look too handsome and rival Gojo Satoru,' Regis said to him.

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