Chapter 17 - Revelations

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They soon arrived at the Hankel property, sirens blaring as they got out of the vehicles.

"John, Bobby, take the house with Gideon, Prentiss and Hotch." The sheriff told them,"Morgan, you take Deans and Howards to the barn round back. We'll cone too."

As they entered the barn, it was quiet. On the ground lay three dead dogs and the remains of Mrs Douglas.

"Damn." Morgan sighed.

"FBI!" JJ shot up, her hair was everywhere,"Don't move!"

"JJ, it's Derek, Fleur and Elijah- Don't shoot!" Fleur pointed her gun.

"It's okay, are you hurt?" Morgan asked as she lowered her gun.

"Where is he?" Elijah asked, looking around.

"I had to kill them... They just completely tore her apart, there's nothing even left.." JJ shook her head. She was in a state of shock, her adrenaline high.

"Jennifer, look at me." Elijah turned to her,"Where is Spencer?"

"We split up. He said he was going to go around the back." JJ told him.

"Come on." Morgan nodded to Elijah.

Elijah shook his head and ran from the barn and into the field. After searching the field at the back, they couldn't find Reid or Hankel. However there was drag marks on the ground.

"This wouldn't have happened if I was here." Elijah shook his head, heading back towards the house.

"You don't know that, kid. Reid's smart, he'll figure it out." Morgan assured him.

"I do know that. If I was here, I wouldn't have let him go on his own." Elijah pointed.

"Elijah, you can't let your emotions get in the way, we won't get him back thar way." Morgan sighed,"I love him almost as much as you do... We will find him."

"I would've tried to protect him- But she lied to me and now he's gone."

"I know kid, we'll get him back." Morgan patted his back.

"Any sign of Reid?" Emily asked as they approached the house.

"Nothing, but we found drag marks." Morgan sighed.

"Yeah? Are you sure? We're on our way." They heard an officer speak.

"What's going on?" Fleur asked the cop.

"Sheriff two towns over said he just gave directions to a man that fit Hankel's description to a motor lodge in Fort Ben." He told her.

"Let's get the others." Morgan nodded.


Elijah was stood in the corner, drinking coffee. He wasn't try very hard to hide how he was feeling towards JJ. Garcia then walked through the door, Hotch had picked her up and brought her here to help.

"Welcome to our nightmare." Fleur sighed.

"His computer's an extension of his brain, I need you to dissect it." Gideon told her.

"I'll get you set up, come on." Morgan lead Garcia into another room.

"So nothing new since I left?" Hotch asked.

"Well, the good thing is the guy documented practically every second of his life." Emily opened a journal,"Bad need is we're still unpiling."

"It looks like he hasn't left this place in years." JJ shook her head.

"He knew he could pretend to be looking for a motel and throw us off his trail." Fleur nodded.

"No, no, no. It's more than that. The sheriff's office, 911 calls, every time he engages with the police he gets away with it." Elijah shook his head,"Reassures himself that God's on his side, not ours."

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